
how am I God?

8 posts in this topic

how am I God Or consciousness? why I am not Coca-Cola instead of God. how do I know the word God or consciousness will refer to the thing I want to point. why i am not G1 instead of God? 

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There is no instead. God is everything. Nothing can stop being God. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@sethman Asking these sorts of questions is just a bit of a waste of time. Why don't you call a cat a donkey? We use the word God because thats what we have collectively decided or agreed upon. 

Ultimately all language collapses/dissolves into Actual God Infinity. But let me tell you, when God totally realises itself as God, the only words coming out of that mouth will be OH MY FUCKING GOD! ITS ALL GOD! 

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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@BipolarGrowth @BipolarGrowth the word is the problem. God is reserved for some especially purpose and more frequently used by believers of God. it's enough if we say we are humans , experienced or have become superhuman. because it will create a name of error. 

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well then who knows you may not be God. 


Why don't you go find out ;)

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God is the brand name for Generations, otherwise it is stealing a brand name. as we can't label ourselves Coca-Cola, Pepsi or macdonald, etc. we need to find new name for this terms for god and consciousness. 

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Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I know I am God. but how do I know my god and your god is the same. there multiple orders of God's. Jesus has thought his disciples the emanations of God and thier rank and their order. when you say God which God are taking about? otherwise we should change the word  something like, God to G1 and consciousness Co2, then we clearly can understand what we meant saying. 

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