
Does anyone know a book more powerful than mastery by george leonard

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I been contemplating on george leonard for 7 years now. Its the best book i found on success.I will write about it oneday.  it has changed my life in profound ways. .also i am curious if anyone found anything more profound than george leonard.mastery has some serious blind spots .i am serching for another books that build on mastery that improve this frame work and expand it even more.

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Peak by Anders Ericsson and Deep Work by Cal Newport. 

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@BjarkeT deliberate practice is a materialistic rationalistic view of is good in theory but in practice it is does not take into consideration the spiritual aspect of work.from my view leonards version of practice > deliberate practice.leonards version= do the practice happily and joy fully .while deleberate practice = go full speed push yourself 120% .i prefer personal experience>science.

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In karma yoga action is divided into 3



Deleberate practice falls in to rajas while leonard version of practice falls into satva

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