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On 5/28/2021 at 3:52 PM, SaaraSabina said:

I’ve been dealing with depersonalization since December of last year. I got sick and went trough trauma. Since then I’m not able to be present. It’s like I’m detached from myself. It’s a really painful existence and I’m so tired of this.

Anyone else have this experience? How did it stop? 

Besides this I also experience a lot of physical pain and other symptoms that interfere with my daily life.

I have no idea if this will help you, but it may deal with some nervous system stuff and help you get back into feeling somewhat normal, although it sounds like you have some other body issues that may need to be address separately.  It really is pretty miraculous, it seems to influence mood/thoughts/inner sense of being.

My mom and even I have had some wacked out nervous system stuff and this device we bought and use daily has helped my mom sleep at night from night terrors and waking up in panic (nothing worked for her until this) and other hightened nervous system stuff.  Seems to have helped me as well on a certain level thats hard to describe.  Its a real mood shifter.  It works with the vagus nerve through vibration.

Its not cheap but you can find a discount code online for like 10-20% off.  They also have a return policy if its not effective. 

Read up on it, its next generation stuff.

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