
(not) getting laid

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1 minute ago, Hulia said:

What is about Teal Swan?

What do you want more with her - fuck or relationship?

Want really honest answer.

To make her drink from my hand.

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1 minute ago, Hulia said:

What is about Teal Swan?

What do you want more with her - fuck or relationship?

Neither tbh??

Alright, I'm being harsh here, I'd prob smash, she looks alright

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Liers, you both. You want a relationship with her. Because with her it would be possible - a relationship on completely new level.

"It is commitment. Dedication. Loyalty. Sacrifice. It is a sacred partnership." 

From her you would get a whole list (isnt´t what you like?) of necessary sacrifices for sacred partnership. You fools

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@Hulia Maybe, who knows. I haven't personally been in a relationship, and I don't necessarilly wanna get into one cause I got other priorities. And relationships shouldn't be about bucket lists anyway, they should start and end naturally. No need to control things.

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She lies it is that simple visible and obvious. What she preaches is not the way she behaives I bet my life in this. 

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There is a reason for that incngruent off vibe she eminates. 

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@Zeroguy She giggles in her videos? I don't know if it's out of being nervous or it's "what the fuck am I saying" kind of thing

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Just milking that niche of people. 

The way she really is, it doesn't suits her at all but hey. 

Perfect place for overly  intellectual woman to show herself in full light. 

I do beleive deep down she despises her audience. 

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Ok, I thought she is giggling in a desparate attempt to look more human. But you mean, sh´s giggling over her audience. It´s a totally new perspective. 

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Think about how she can make for a living a bit. All explained. 

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Why I bother with her when I might have wild Brunette. Which turns into fireful hyena because her core is of fire. 

Oh yesss who needs theoretical swan. 

Edited by Zeroguy

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5 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

Think about how she can make for a living a bit. All explained. 

Why not make for a living with high quality content, like Leo? To bring into this confused world even more confusion is not good for karma. She won´t have it as good as me in one of her reincarnation in 100 years.

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@Hulia It's not easy to become as good and as unique as Leo? from quality standpoint is a monopoly in self help

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Still in need for female compannionship when dealing with me? 



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For a woman in search for a cat, you demand a lot of attention too. 

Did I said anything wrong or untrue there? 

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9 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

For a woman in search for a cat, you demand a lot of attention too. 

Did I said anything wrong or untrue there? 

I am really sorry for that. It won´t be all the time so. That´s why I want a cat and not a dog. A dog would make me crazy with his attention seeking eyes and waving tail. And I am really more like a cat than like a dog. 

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I meant on reply on Ivan's Journal. 

What he wrote is how women actually behaive in life despite what you write here on forum or trying to present. 

What his 1st thought was.Threesome.Same as me

It's all the same. 

She was the one who pulled him by sleave. Same same all the same. 

Actual life one thing forum talk 2nd.

Very greatful for that journal. I love my serbs. 

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5 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

Only if that neighbor was better. GD. 

Who??? Schneider? :))))))))))

Hey, his J just told her coworker. And Ivankiss is telling this story to the whole world while publishing here. 

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Well that's actually brave. Whoever has balls to do it. Kudos. 

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