Eternal Unity

My Spirit Guide Explains The Afterlife

12 posts in this topic

Greg: What happens after the body dies?

Gaia: Many things happen. 

Greg: To who?

Gaia: To you, of course. Only You exist. No more. No less.

Greg: So what happens to me? Will I meet loved ones who passed before? I know they are expressions of The Universal Self as outer experiences but they are ME as well...

Gaia: Are you asking me or telling me?

Greg: I'm telling you.

Gaia: Good. You're right about that. Everyone you ever known, every experience you ever had - happened to You. The BIG you. You are Yourself AND you are never alone. That's the beauty of Ultimate Reality.

Greg: Can you share your understanding with me?

Gaia: It is my understanding that a person moving from the physical to the metaphysical realm finds, after their "death" (which is not really a "dying" at all), that they are once again able to be with all of their loved ones - those who has passed before you, your ancestors and those who will pass AFTER you, your descendents.

Greg: How is that possible?

Gaia: You have to get out of your timeline limited way of thinking to even begin to comprehend this. When you move into the metaphysical realm, you will realize that everything is happening All At Once. And so, uniting with all of your loved ones from every physical incarnation is part of the wondrous joy of the so called Afterlife. It is, in fact, heaven. It is possible to realize this while in the body.

Greg: I am a single man, what if I never get married?

Gaia: That is totally your choice.

Greg: But if I will happen to choose this, what descendents would I meet?

Gaia: You don't have to be married to have descendents.

Greg: Right. But If I choose not to have children, as well?

Gaia: In that case, you won't meet any descendents. 

Greg: So just those that came before me?

Gaia: Yes.

Greg: Anyone else?

Gaia: That's up to you.

Greg: What do you mean?

Gaia: Ever saw the movie "What Dreams May Come"?

Greg: Yes! Great movie! with the late Robin Williams in the leading role.

Gaia: The creators of that movie tapped into Ultimate Reality and were able, partialy at least, to present to the world the early stages of The Other Side.

Greg: What happens in further stages?

Gaia: You realize that you are not your body. For some, it would be the first time this experience is bestowed upon them.

Greg: It is possible to realize this while in the body, you said. You mean here on earth, the physical realm, as you call it?

Gaia: Correct. Though, the physical realm is not just planet earth. It is the entire multiverse.

Greg: What happens next?

Gaia: You realize you are not the mind, as well.

Greg: Wait a minute. I thought I was a Universal Mind.

Gaia: You thought a lot of things.

I smile.

Greg: Is it possible to validate this in my direct experience?

Gaia: Most definitely.

Greg: How?

Gaia: Keep following and keep an open mind.

Greg: Thank you, Gaia!


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Clairaudient? Automatic writing? Vision?

What’s your method of connection? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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44 minutes ago, Eternal Unity said:

Greg: What happens after the body dies?

Gaia: Many things happen. 

Greg: To who?

Gaia: To you, of course. Only You exist. No more. No less.

Greg: So what happens to me? Will I meet loved ones who passed before? I know they are expressions of The Universal Self as outer experiences but they are ME as well...

Gaia: Are you asking me or telling me?

Greg: I'm telling you.

Gaia: Good. You're right about that. Everyone you ever known, every experience you ever had - happened to You. The BIG you. You are Yourself AND you are never alone. That's the beauty of Ultimate Reality.

Greg: Can you share your understanding with me?

Gaia: It is my understanding that a person moving from the physical to the metaphysical realm finds, after their "death" (which is not really a "dying" at all), that they are once again able to be with all of their loved ones - those who has passed before you, your ancestors and those who will pass AFTER you, your descendents.

Greg: How is that possible?

Gaia: You have to get out of your timeline limited way of thinking to even begin to comprehend this. When you move into the metaphysical realm, you will realize that everything is happening All At Once. And so, uniting with all of your loved ones from every physical incarnation is part of the wondrous joy of the so called Afterlife. It is, in fact, heaven. It is possible to realize this while in the body.

Greg: I am a single man, what if I never get married?

Gaia: That is totally your choice.

Greg: But if I will happen to choose this, what descendents would I meet?

Gaia: You don't have to be married to have descendents.

Greg: Right. But If I choose not to have children, as well?

Gaia: In that case, you won't meet any descendents. 

Greg: So just those that came before me?

Gaia: Yes.

Greg: Anyone else?

Gaia: That's up to you.

Greg: What do you mean?

Gaia: Ever saw the movie "What Dreams May Come"?

Greg: Yes! Great movie! with the late Robin Williams in the leading role.

Gaia: The creators of that movie tapped into Ultimate Reality and were able, partialy at least, to present to the world the early stages of The Other Side.

Greg: What happens in further stages?

Gaia: You realize that you are not your body. For some, it would be the first time this experience is bestowed upon them.

Greg: It is possible to realize this while in the body, you said. You mean here on earth, the physical realm, as you call it?

Gaia: Correct. Though, the physical realm is not just planet earth. It is the entire multiverse.

Greg: What happens next?

Gaia: You realize you are not the mind, as well.

Greg: Wait a minute. I thought I was a Universal Mind.

Gaia: You thought a lot of things.

I smile.

Greg: Is it possible to validate this in my direct experience?

Gaia: Most definitely.

Greg: How?

Gaia: Keep following and keep an open mind.

Greg: Thank you, Gaia!


This is incredible.

Much love for Gaia <3 

I have no idea how you got to connect with this guide, but that's amazing. 

I once felt like I had a connection with the heart of the earth, but have never spoken with her, at least that I remember... Great stuff. Interesting

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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This reminded me of conversations with god books. I think some of the answers were exactly the same

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That's awesome and I wish I had that ability too, but it kind of feels like you are just speaking to your own mind. Like when she said "keep following", could she have recommended something that you have never heard about? What if you asked "help me invent something new that will aid humanity"?


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@BipolarGrowth Intedimensional Portal. Continuous inner self reflective work to acommplish communicational skills. Clairaudience on one occasion. During a transmission I lie down after 1 hour of relaxation and another 25 minutes of meditation. The writing is reconstructed from memory, later.

@Dodo Thanks! Gaia rarely ever speaks to me. I can count our sessions on one hand.

@Frenk Yes, Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God Books, taught me how to develop intuitive conversations pretty much with any being in existence.

@Seraphim I just discovered Leo's channel back then and so Gaia used my subconscious mind to bring it up to the conscious. You're right, of course. I am speaking to myself. to my own mind. When you realize Who You Are, for real. You see that everything is equal to Self. To God. and the mind is just my tool for communications. You DO have this ability. You simply not trained in it. It's like a muscle - when you use it often, it works. The opposite is true also, neglect it and you're just another regular bloke. No judgements, just telling you how it is. When i ask for new insights, I need to transcend every communication - To Go Meta of this intricate matrix of The Universal System and go WITHIN, even deeper. The Shinning Nexus awaits. It springs from The Ultimate Nothingness and IS Absolute Isness.

@machiavelli Yes, exactly that. Gaia Mother Earth. It is real, as far as I know. and that is as far as you can get. I worked on Spirit Guide communucatiion since age 19 with the help of many mentors, teachers and masters. Some directly, some remotely. I cultivated techniques for Self Disciplined Spiritual Practice. Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation are my main exercises. Read a lot of books. Lately I'm active on social media, high consciousness websites, enlightened chat rooms - yes, they exist. Not many but some are just like that. Supreme wisdom is shared. 





Edited by Eternal Unity
Spirit Guide Communication

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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12 minutes ago, Eternal Unity said:

@BipolarGrowth Intedimensional Portal. Continuous inner self reflective work to acommplish communicational skills. Clairaudience on one occasion. During a transmission I lie down after 1 hour of relaxation and another 25 minutes of meditation. The writing is reconstructed from memory, later.

@Dodo Thanks! Gaia rarely ever speaks to me. I can count our sessions on one hand.

@Frenk Yes, Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God Books, taught me how to develop intuitive conversations pretty much with any being in existence.



Can you please do that with me, can send me the conversation on pm if you wish,  if you had success. Will be weird but I am just curious to see what result you might get

-1/12 is Infinity 

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"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Gaia's a powerful deity to be in connection with. I am happy you have a relationship with her. 

The channelings become more pure the more you let a spirit's love work threw you. They can bring you deeper spiritual healing as you offer to serve the Absolute Love they serve. 


The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Everything you experience is the voice of God's Love. ❤ Love is the Logos and You are it :x


"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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