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Love and Consciouness

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I am having a hard time understanding how love and consciousness are the same thing.

I know you may say that, well only way to know is to awaken.

But, I wanted to to know if at all there is any metaphysical explanation for how they are the same thing

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Welcome to the forum, @blueplasma :)

How do you define love?

Love is infinitely more profound than the human emotion. Love is the seeing the sameness of yourself in everything else, and the sameness of all others in you. It is the ultimate reality that all of us are fundamentally the same Consciousness.


Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Yes, it's all one and the same. There is love or consciousness in everything. It appears as everything.

However; there's also this thing called 'heart-centered consciousness'. That's what tickles my pickle.

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19 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Welcome to the forum, @blueplasma :)

How do you define love?

Love is infinitely more profound than the human emotion. Love is the seeing the sameness of yourself in everything else, and the sameness of all others in you. It is the ultimate reality that all of us are fundamentally the same Consciousness.


Which is more fundamental, Love or Consciousness ?

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2 minutes ago, blueplasma said:

Which is more fundamental, Love or Consciousness ?

There is no "more" or "less" from the ultimate perspective. It is all Consciousness. Love is simply the realization that everything is made out of the same raw material, which is Consciousness itself.

You and I look different, live in different places, and love different people. But ultimately, we are the same Consciousness, expressing itself in infinite ways.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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10 minutes ago, blueplasma said:

Which is more fundamental, Love or Consciousness ?

@blueplasma Neither, since they are identical^_^

Consciousness is what is. And so is love. 

Imagine you would never say "no" to anything. You would never exclude the existence of anything, in other words, everything that "wants" to be, can be and is. Imagine to accept everything 100% as it is. Imagine to be 100% selfless. Imagine to embrace everything so much, that it is literally indistinguishable from yourself.

Can you see how I just gave you a description of love? 

Notice, that this very same description I just gave you, is also a description of the universe. 

Consciousness is the ground of existence. Within consciousness, everything is. You could not have anything without consciousness.

You can even make a quick little experiment to validate this for yourself. Imagine a "thing" but no  consciousness to be aware of that thing. Would this be possible? Would this thing exist? 

This all embracing selflessness that is consciousness, is the same as existence and also the same as love. 

Edited by Tim R

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God's love is so perfect, it's perpetually overflowing from a place of wholeness because God is already complete, totally at Peace within itself. Thus God's love is Infinite & Unconditional. It doesn't need a reason. It doesn't love something and hate other things. It understands itself fully and thus it has no shadow. It's all 'light'. It's all good. You cannot feel it because you are focusing your attention on the illusory game of the ego-mind that you're playing.

Consciousness doesn't lack anything, thus it has no needs & no worries. It's infinite, immortal & all powerful. This love is not an expression of romantic desire or eros and it doesn't require a catalyst, an agent to provoke feelings & it's not just an emmotional connection to someone but it can express itself in any way it wants. This love is not an emotion, it is the source of emotions. Since God is unlimited, it can express the Love as an infinite range of emotions, feeling & states of consciousness as well. It can will any emotion or feeling into existence. 

Think about the types of love you feel right now. What do you love right now? Do you feel it directed towards certain people in your life? Is it romantic love, familiar love, self love? Is it appreciation for the fact that you are healthy, you are safe & you have water to drink? Your human mind is filtering the Absolute based on your human game of thinking you are a human. Do you ever feel your heart space overflowing with love? That's like a grain of sand compared to the boundless ocean of God's ecstasy ready for You to bathe in. 

God is forever home and that home is pure love.

When you awaken to it, when you get the God-realization there will be no room for doubs as to whether or not consciousness and love are one and the same. Your 'I' will melt into the Ocean of God.

God is total and complete, it gives love without any expectations of reciprocating or receiving affection or anything in return. Because it is itself.

You are pure utter bliss, orgasmic oneness.

Like a pounding heart made of divine orgasmic energy making love to itself for eternity.

Infinite love ❤


Edited by Anahata

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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