
Opening mastery

6 posts in this topic

What are the fundamentals of opening?

Please do not answer based on theory you've watched, but instead from direct experience.

"I wanted only to try to live in accord with my true Self. Why was that so very difficult?" - Herse

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” - Goethe

"There are no bad parts" - Schwartz

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@sda ffs

"I wanted only to try to live in accord with my true Self. Why was that so very difficult?" - Herse

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” - Goethe

"There are no bad parts" - Schwartz

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On 5/26/2021 at 10:49 PM, SLuxy said:

What are the fundamentals of opening?

Please do not answer based on theory you've watched, but instead from direct experience.

Okay, from experience, the opener is something you want to get over with asap. Thinking about what to say either prevents you from approaching or makes the opener too try hard. 


Saying the first thing in your mind and just going from there. 


All my success from cold approach (getting laid and/or a relationship of some sort) started off with meh openers. Boring openers, awkward openers, etc. 


I have done smooth, perfect, Alpha™️ approaches that would have looked badass to an outside viewer, but those didn't lead anywhere.


The fundamental of opening is getting it over with. 

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@Chew211  Appreciate your reply.

Thank you for the value.

More like this people.

"I wanted only to try to live in accord with my true Self. Why was that so very difficult?" - Herse

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” - Goethe

"There are no bad parts" - Schwartz

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Here is what I learned from all the experience I have gained so far.

Say that which is true to you. Say that which you want to say.

Everytime before I approach a girl I ask myself: "what is it that I genuinely appreciate about this girl?". And oh wow my results have changed drastically. Why is that?

Women can feel you energy. Are you there because you genuinely want to get to know her and share you attraction with her or are you simply there to boost your ego thinking that "at least I got it done". By being genuinely curious and focusing on the feelings in my body women responded differently in ways I could have never imaged before. The secret is you want to change your feeling around taking to girls. Learn to find ways to enjoy the process. Learn to see the womens beauty, her essence, enjoy her smell etc. When you talk to her and feel good about doing so things will change fast for you.

Now one more thing to add. It can take a while before you get to that state. You may feel shame, anger, guilt, loniless etc. I found that by simply allowing myselg to feel the feeling and taking to her while being connected to my feelings was a game changer. When you are sad and you go talk to her anyways, sharing your attraction towards her while not needing to hide what is going on, that is powerful. It is called congruence. It makes people trust you because you are in integrity. Hope it makes sense.

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If you can, approach groups of women, especially in club situations. Always decide on one woman you find attractive in the group. Approach her less attractive friends (it's easier) and ask them questions about the woman you find attractive, make it blatantly obvious you are doing this. Get the friend(s) to introduce you, they may even be excited about doing this.

Honestly, it's not going to work every time, but it does work and it's much easier than approaching directly.

57% paranoid

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