
Jill Bolte Taylor & Left Vs Right Hemisphere In The Context Of Enlightenment

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Hi again,

I thought I'd share this little gem with you I found on Youtube:

This is an excerpt from a TED talk in which neuro scientist Jill Bolte Taylor describes how she very consciously lived through a stroke during which her brain's left hemisphere slowly stopped functioning and the right hemisphere took over. It is a very touching account which has striking similarities to how experiences of temporary awakening/enlightenment are sometimes described.

This made me think that the process of enlightenment or awakening could boil down to us moving from left brain dominance to right brain dominance.

One eye opening book about this topic in relation to our consciousness I can deeply recommend is the "Return To The Brain Of Eden" by Wright & Gynn.

According to Wright & Gynn moving from left to right brain dominance might actually be achieved most efficiently by sleep deprivation (which I won't be able to try as I work with children and need to be very alert all the time unfortunately).

Anyway - it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this :)


Edited by alifesurreal

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Hey guys, today I've rewatched the above video together with my wife and it almost made both of us cry as it was so touching.

I did not get any reactions to my post, so I'm wondering if anyone here actually did check out the video?


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Yes, enlightenment and generally personal development is about getting out of your left-brain dominance. Especially for those of us in the West who've been indoctrinated into a left-brained culture.

I'll be talking a lot more about this in the future.

It's an extremely important and practice piece of information. We can actually use this knowledge to re-program the brain and trigger more enlightenment experiences and raise our consciousness.

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On 2016-11-12 at 9:23 PM, Leo Gura said:

I'll be talking a lot more about this in the future.

It's an extremely important and practice piece of information. We can actually use this knowledge to re-program the brain and trigger more enlightenment experiences and raise our consciousness.

I am very much looking forward to this!!

This left/right brain perspective got me thinking a lot - even down to changing my diet etc.
Basically trying anything that supports the pineal gland and helps moving more to the right side ;)

On a side note, a nice (and amusing) thing I discovered:

You all surely know that feeling - you go to another room in your appartment in order get something there when suddenly your mind goes blank and you don't remember at all what it was you were going to get there... I used to find that quite unsettling, making me worry about my brain/my stress levels.
Well, my brain still sucks, but I now cherish these moments!

Because instead of desperately trying to make my brain remember the thing, I just let go and do nothing. I enjoy the fact that at that moment while I'm standing in that room, there is absolutely NOTHING going on in my brain. Like it's in stand-by mode, like a derailed train waiting to be put back on track.

Maybe this is a bit similar to these moments that those paradoxical buddhist koans try to achieve - either way, just thought I'd share this with you :)



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@Leo Gura Can there be a correlation that in the past my left hand used to shake, and with spiritual purification, it literally calmed down to 20% of its former power?

Edited by Martin123

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@Martin123 Of course. Stuff like shaking or twitching is often the direct result of suppressing emotions and improper energy flow through the body from years of low-consciousness living. And it can be reversed.

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@Leo Gura Yes that has been obvious for quite a long time to me, however I meant the right brain, left hand correlation! :-)

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@Martin123 Well, it's a physiological fact that your right brain controls your left hand.

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