Someone here

Forms & formlessness

8 posts in this topic

So this is a new (or new old) way to try to conceptualize reality and make sense of it.  The distinctions here are arbitrary and completely relative but nevertheless here we go.   

There is basically only two things in all of existence.. Forms and formlessness.  That's it. There isn't and never was and never will be anything else. The forms ALWAYS are limited and impermanent. The formless ONLY is unlimited and permanent.  The two Are actually identical but it's hard for the mind to make sense of that (how could these forms be formless?).  Instead try to think of it this way.. The formless is the container of forms. You might ask "where are all these forms taking place"? "where does existence happening"?  And the answer is really nowhere.. Reality is happening inside of nothingness. If we erase all forms from existence.. What's left?  Only pure formlessness. Pure nothingness. So that's like what's underneath all forms. Or the container of all forms.. The original state that then comes different forms and appear inside of it.  So this present moment that's happening right now is 50 % forms and 50 % formlessness.  We usually don't think of it this way.. We think "it's just forms ".of course you can't see it because it's not a form. It has no qualities whatsoever and that's precisely why and how it is present everywhere and every when yet you can't see it.. Because you can only see forms. But how come forms are present without a container?  There must be a container that contains all these forms and it can't be anything else but formlessness. Think about an empty glass that is necessary to have some water or any substance inside of it. But instead what we have here is not an empty "glass".. But rather pure emptiness.   Now you might ask.."where did all these forms come from then"?  Here there is really no answer.  It's pure magic. But the trick is that ultimately all forms appear and disappear.. They are just like dreams or hallucinations.. Forever appearing and disappearing.  There is no rational explanation whatsoever why forms are here (the answer is actually that form is formlessness but it's near impossible to make sense of it rationally without a mystical experience). But the only way to relate to it is by understanding that all forms are ultimately a temporary passing show that means absolutely nothing and was never ought to be anything substantial or to form a "reality". 

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31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

So this present moment that's happening right now is 50 % forms and 50 % formlessness.

Rather, the present moment is 100% an identity - so much so, that it's not even an "identity of the two". 

"Nothing lasts" has two meanings;)

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You are creating the reality and you experience it simultaneosly, because in the absolute sense there is not time. You are the actor and the movie. The writer, the book and the reader.

The One that comes up with the idea and the one who is being taken by surprise by his own creation. :x

Edited by Anahata

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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It's unknowable...

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with attempting to know.

Trying to know and not knowing are perfect zeros. ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Someone here

Good contemplation.

12 hours ago, Someone here said:

So this present moment that's happening right now is 50 % forms and 50 % formlessness.

Not really, 100% formlessness that appears as forms, like the screen and a movie. :P

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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