
I think I should be able to see my face.

50 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, mandyjw said:


Ohhh. I get it now xD

2 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Yeah, you're imagining it, until you aren't. Once the experience is over, it turns into imagination. It couldn't be any other way. Even saying "the experience is over" is imagination. So many layers.

I'm imagining not being able to see my face? 

3 minutes ago, kinesin said:

When you want for things to be more mystical than they are, all you're doing is blinding yourself to reality.

And what is that? What is reality?

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@Anahata HOLY cow. Welcome to the forum. Never beheld such a high level of clarity from someone here in just 6 posts. 

I'm such a sucker for nondual recontextualization of Bible verses. THAT was good. ??


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Thank you so much. Infinite love ❤

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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6 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

And what is that? What is reality?

It's that thing which you're pretending not to know about, so you can present yourself as too enlightened to even be able to relate to subjective experience.

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@kinesin I'm asking you about your beliefs and views so we can debate like grown ups. 

What is that 'thing' that I'm pretending not to know about - to you? 

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1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

I'm imagining not being able to see my face? 

Yes, you are imagining a face, and also that you are unable to see that face.

Look at your experience right now. Are you able to see your face? If not, then anything related to it must be imagined in the moment, or not the actual thing itself.

When you go to a mirror and see your face, your experience is that you are seeing your face. Once you leave the mirror, "face" and "mirror", all these things turn into imagination until you experience them again. 

Also, imagination is not less than reality. It is also reality of course, but the key is recognizing that it is imagination and not something else.




Edited by Osaid

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@Osaid Thanks.

I understand that part.

What I'm wondering is... am I able to be directly conscious of (or imagine) my face the same way as my hand?

The hand is consciousness itself. It is imagination. There is no need for me to be up here and look down on it in order for it to be. The hand requires no one to see it. It sees itself. In that sense; the same could be applied to the face that I label as mine.

It's just a matter of consciousness. Quite literally.


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4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

What I'm wondering is... am I able to be directly conscious of (or imagine) my face the same way as my hand?

The hand is consciousness itself. It is imagination. There is no need for me to be up here and look down on it in order for it to be. The hand requires no one to see it. It sees itself. In that sense; the same could be applied to the face that I label as mine.

It's just a matter of consciousness. Quite literally.

Yes, there is no reason any other part of consciousness would behave differently in that sense. It all experiences itself, whether it is your hand or face. There is no observer, or rather, the observed is the observer. 

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

None of us has ever seen our own faces, actually. We only see a very limited, distorted reflection of it. Be it in a mirror, a picture or whatever... But to be conscious of it directly is beyond anyone's wildest imagination.

So I'm wondering now; am I onto something here..? I think I am.

Can anyone relate?

Nice insight.  Here's a mindfuck...yes you can.  Your hand IS your face!  There is no difference other than in your imagination haha.



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@Osaid Manifesting my face is probably as challenging as manifesting a billion dollars out of thin air. I might as well turn water into wine xD

@Inliytened1 Yes, absolutely. All the same soup. But knowing that doesn't make my face appear haha

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

Manifesting my face is probably as challenging as manifesting a billion dollars out of thin air. I might as well turn water into wine xD

Yes very true, let me know if you have any success


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6 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


@Inliytened1 Yes, absolutely. All the same soup. But knowing that doesn't make my face appear haha

An eye cannot see itself- it simply IS itself ?



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Osaid Will do!

@Inliytened1 You speak the true-true :D

Hmm... Now I'm only getting more curious.

Being is all there is; obviously. Could it simply be a matter of increasing awareness of the face? Language really sucks ass here, but you get what I mean... 

Jesus... I gotta play around with this some more.


Edited by ivankiss

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8 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Osaid Will do!

@Inliytened1 You speak the true-true :D

Hmm... Now I'm only getting more curious.

Being is all there; obviously. Could it simply be a matter of increasing awareness of the face?

Isness is Total, thus much more satisfying then seeing something partial like a face...  Infinity has a self reference problem - it cannot reach outside of itself to see itself because there is nothing outside of it.  But it IS itself!! And that my friend, is Infinite Love!  Who needs to see something partial when they got the whole thing? No, they ARE the whole thing :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 Yes!

I'm not trying to see the face exclusively. Like, just the face and nothing else... No. I'm thinking; it's more like you simply gain full consciousness of it. It would still be indistinguishable from everything else - like my hand is - but I'd be able to 'see' it. Seeing is really not the right way to put it since it implies duality automatically. I'm using it just as a pointer. But I'm talking about absolute oneness here. 

Including my face, or bringing my face into full consciousness - is another way to put it.

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It's almost like there is a picture where my face should be. Instead of my face; there is a world.

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10 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Inliytened1 Yes!

I'm not trying to see the face exclusively. Like, just the face and nothing else... No. I'm thinking; it's more like you simply gain full consciousness of it. It would still be indistinguishable from everything else - like my hand is - but I'd be able to 'see' it. Seeing is really not the right way to put it since it implies duality automatically. I'm using it just as a pointer. But I'm talking about absolute oneness here. 

Including my face, or bringing my face into full consciousness - is another way to put it.

Gotchya.  Yah.  God Consciousness.  Omniscience.  It's all within your grasp :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just checked.

These eyes can see nose, cheeks, lips, tongue, eye brows & eye lashes.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Sounds like you all have been reading up on Douglas Harding and Richard Lang's work on the Headless way. :D 

I am trying to understand the bible verse

4 hours ago, Anahata said:

“You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"

What I gather from this is that YOU CAN see MY FACE and LIVE because the No-Face is All-Face.  The Face of No-Face is the same for all.  Oh but I think I am getting another interpretation here in that No "man" meaning ego can see the God-self of No-face and continue to exist.  The No-Face shatters the illusion of having a head or ego and thus when you see my face, meaning the no-face of nothingness in all of us, then your ego is gone and you no longer live, meaning living as a self in a world, but rather a world experiencing a self.  Did I get it?

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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