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What is aging from Taoism point of view?

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Taoism teaches that feminine (yin) is masculine (yang) and  masculine (yang) is feminine (yin).
Buddhism teaches that emptiness (yin) is form (yang) and form (yang) is emptiness (yin).

So in other words the reality of duality is being governed by a balanced interchange between two opposites.
Night/Day, Death/Life, Empty/Form, Centrifugal/Centripetal, Radiation/Generation, Levity/Gravity... I can go on like this.

I even think that there's no such thing as a male or female but simply a ratio between masculine and feminine which depending on the ratio can yield different outputs/transformations. It's even said that the male boddhisattva Avalokitesvara transformed into a feminine version called Guan Yin.

So with that being said I am curious what does aging mean from a Taoism / Qigong point of view.
According to Aubrey de Grey there are 7 main reasons which are the causes of aging and all of them are types of damage or depletion that can be addressed successfully. One of them is uncontrolled growth for example (cancer). Interestingly enough Sadhguru claims that fasting is anti-cancerous and this claim seems to be somewhat supported by science. Does this mean that cancer is caused by too much yang and too little yin? If so what are old damaged cells? What is stem cell depletion?

Also I am curious what is physical growth? Why are children able to grow, but adults aren't? I know that from a biochemistry perspective there are just growth plates which close down, but that doesn't really explain the cause, only what happened and therefore is of little value.

For some reason I feel like qigong holds the secrets to dealing with aging (not death).
any insights here?

Edited by tatsumaru

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