
When/If Spirituality Goes Mega Mainstream

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Imagine - instead of seeing Christian billboards you see spiritual ones.  "Life is a dream." "You are the air you breathe."

Bumper stickers


People on the street chanting about spirituality and trying to get you to join their belief system

Facebook spiritual quotes

(It could be that this is already a thing and I never looked for it - it just seems that Christianity dominates the sphere - I was wondering when Spirituality would take over if ever).

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True spirituality will never be mainstream. Death doesn't sell.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I listened to and lecture with Allan Watts yesterday, so what I'm writing is basically about what he was talking about, which relates to this topic about spirituality.  He talked about a concept in Hinduism that time is cyclic. Human consciousness goes from basic to more conscious in a cyclic fashion, it basically does what it always been doing. There are many points I'm missing and misrepresenting, but this is my take. If barbarism, greed, sloth, etc prevails will humans aspire to something higher, like order, sharing, and (grit) hard work. All the things we hate will either mutate into something worse or metamorphose into something beautiful, division,unity, and impermanence like Leo talked about. 

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