
society is one big propaganda

6 posts in this topic

socierty is one big propaganda machine . 
words are like trains that have some capacity to tell truth because it is relative, all gods job is to understand this relativism that he created for understanding himself.

he doesnt know economics, he knows how to use intellegence in intellegent way.he just know how to do stuff by what we tell him to do.

he knows what you know .

the ego is garbge but a usufull one , it is the proxy stuff to god but you still seeing god from this proxy. if you have grounded life you can minemize the enegy on them to almost zero .less energy is  go more to god time .




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I agree! I wish everyone could see it clearly. Everyone is stuck in their illusions of society which is how the elite keep this machine running. God is within us all and everything else. Before these elitist came along, the plan was simply to experience a physical form of the energy of all that is. It didn't even matter how long our journey on earth lasted as long as you were able to experience that of a was meant to be incredible. What a shame what it has all turned into. The collective conscious mind has been scattered so one can understand a word we're saying to one another :(

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1 hour ago, 132faces said:

I agree! I wish everyone could see it clearly. Everyone is stuck in their illusions of society which is how the elite keep this machine running. God is within us all and everything else. Before these elitist came along, the plan was simply to experience a physical form of the energy of all that is. It didn't even matter how long our journey on earth lasted as long as you were able to experience that of a was meant to be incredible. What a shame what it has all turned into. The collective conscious mind has been scattered so one can understand a word we're saying to one another :(

wtf man

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19 hours ago, 132faces said:

I agree! I wish everyone could see it clearly. Everyone is stuck in their illusions of society which is how the elite keep this machine running. God is within us all and everything else. Before these elitist came along, the plan was simply to experience a physical form of the energy of all that is. It didn't even matter how long our journey on earth lasted as long as you were able to experience that of a was meant to be incredible. What a shame what it has all turned into. The collective conscious mind has been scattered so one can understand a word we're saying to one another :(

There's a reason the eskimos stay in Anchorage instead of the tundra.  It has nothing to do with elitism.

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It is true. I fully agree with your post. Today people receive much more information than it was a century or 5 centuries ago. But if people are not able to teach themselves how to analyze information and how to find relevant data and pieces -- maybe it is their problem then?

For instance, yesterday I was almost scammed by a third party when I wanted to donate to the server in one computer game. Just one of the guys I talked to wanted to take my login and password from PayPal to donate with me too (he wanted to put his money on my account and then watch how I will donate from my and his money, without an attempt of cheating). Then I refused and re-thought everything. And also changed my details of an account and bank (because he put a virus via a downloadable by me image he sent me before). 

So I am using another service named softpos with their own mobile application and two-code authentication system just to prevent the situation when some people would like to hack my login and password. Especially with the usage of malware. 

Regarding propaganda, I think this: people need special courses at school on how to analyze and avoid non-relevant information and attempts for scamming. 

P.S. I am sorry for my longread :3 

Edited by SecureMan
Some punctuation and grammar issues were edited

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And as it has been since before the era of the great empires... Romans, Vikings, Aztecs, Egyptions, etc... throughout history the elites have struggled with ways to keep the masses under control. Is reality a simulation? Are we souls incarnating in a playground that we created because oneness became too boring?  You're assuming God cares about the end result of this simulation... whether the economy collapses or not, whether Cuban rebels get slaughtered or not... if there is karma, and reincarnation, it's meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Our species will be long extinct before the sun goes Red Giant in our simulation, which is but the blink of an eye in the entirety of "existence." Now, don't forget that the extended warranty on your car is about to expire! ;)

"As I was saying, the solution to our real enemy--boredom--turned out to be mortality. There were practical reasons for this. God pondered over a concept which eventually came to be known as time. Because in order to beget a damn thing outside of Source, there had to be an artificial construct to build into as well as the possibility of a beginning and an ending to act as bookends. In other words, it had to be finite or it would not solve the problem of a reprieve away from eternity and infinity. Sometimes infinity is a pain in the ass, and no one knew this better than God."

We we need to do is figure out a way to crash the simulation. Chuckle. Maybe hijack the operating system and learn to re-code the program to suit our needs.. not just DNA which we will have mastered within 100 years but some of the basic laws of nature... at that point we can travel to distant "planets" within the simulation.



Edited by sholomar

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