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Am I doing wrong in posting on FB " Life is a dream, God is You, Everything is dream"

24 posts in this topic

29 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Your radical spiritual Truths will likely have a small effect on helping people to awaken on your Facebook. Bottom line — it’s your social media. You want to express yourself. I say just fucking do it. You can hide your true self from your social media if you want, but this only adds to the esotericism, stigma, etc. If you’re doing covert-ops nonduality practice and no one knows that it’s one of your main passions, it just seems like a double loss. They don’t see the true you, you don’t express yourself, and they have less of a chance of being exposed to Truth which their soul is certainly searching for at some level. You might plant the seed in someone’s mind which leads them to dig deeper and discover themselves as Infinity, Love, etc. 


I used to post to Facebook 40 times a day during manic episodes in straight up Connor Murphy fashion. You know what that did? The people who didn’t matter much in my life are gone (and that includes some old close friends who weren’t right for me and I was no longer right for them), and now I have people who truly support me as who I spend my time talking to. You can dance perfectly for fake people who could give a rat’s ass about yourself by hiding what you want to post and who you are, or you could just express yourself as you wish. I know what I prefer. 

@BipolarGrowth I wrote once " God is mothingness " in my facebook post .

And I havent recieved a like.

Most of my friend circle is religious. They worship many gods. 

Idea of God is You seems threatening to their belief in their god sitting in sky.

Now my likes on normal post got reduced too. Dont know why.

I post political post alot too.

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35 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

I feel I am addicted to Facebook. I check facebook atmost 25 times a day.

Well at least you know. Now work on that addiction.

Facebook isn't evil, it is a great tool to keep in touch with friends and family.

But it's also a large egoic distraction from living and provides warped (unhealthy) social interactions with other people.

Stop giving a fuck about likes/dislikes. That is pathetic shallow garbage. Your existence is far more profound and beyond such things, start acting like it.


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There is nothing wrong or right about it. I would argue the bigger issue is attaching either a need or rejection to anything you post. It shouldn't matter, but lack of mattering doesn't mean don't do it nor does it mean do it. The desire to help others awaken may be noble, but I personally believe we should have faith in the aspects of consciousness we perceive as "outside" ourselves to understand what it personally best for them within. Their lack of or pursuit of enlightenment doesn't add nor substract anything from what truly "is" which is Infinite in nature already. Generally speaking all it really does is makes us personally feel more comfortable. Specially in the field of relating to others, not feeling lonely, and projecting our own personal biases of happiness onto another aspect of ourselves.

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One of the best moves I ever made was to delete my Facebook account. So much to learn from deleting your Facebook account. Intertwined reasoning this that and the other. Even deleting your Facebook account and sticking to it will create a small realisation. But you’ll only realise once it’s done, and it stays done. One of the best moves I ever made??

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