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Ways you've misapplied techniques and practices

3 posts in this topic

I'm interested in starting a conversation and getting some stories about misapplying certain techniques, philosophies, attitudes, practices, and the like.  

I'm particularly interested in examples about times when you've overapplied a technique.  I think it's likely that most people underapply techniques, and that stressing this would be beating a dead horse.  So I'm really interested in hearing what people's experiences are when they overapplied something.  Be it a specific practice, a habit, or even a certain attitude and stance towards life.  

What happened? 

What was out of balance? 

How did you know you were out of balance?

What did you do, what shifted, in order to reorient you towards balance?  Are you still orienting towards balance?

I'm more interested in hearing about people's actual experiences rather than philosophizing and discussing the theory of this topic.  


Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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I didn’t trust my own experience enough and gave my power over to gurus, gods, and holy guidebooks. Now I’ve realized I alone am something much greater. When you live a life that fits within no simple mold, be ready to only make sense to a select few. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I certainly went too far, too fast over here

I thought I could actually learn the technique properly at the retreat, but there was little tuition except on the "proper postures" used by this particular group. I forced myself to do long hours of meditation in a way that didn't suit me. Was in conflict with myself. Got an actual emotionally triggered asthma attack. Left after two days. Took me two years until the memory lost a "trauma" flavor to it.

I've got a mostly regular meditation practice now, even a bit of self-inquiry has started to be interesting to me, but I don't go hardcore. 


Edited by Elisabeth

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