
New video: Overcoming nihilism

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So Leo breaks down all meaning in the video of life. Talks a bit about how without meaning you can flow more along with life without struggling. Like going along with the stream with the river, instead of against it. Making it seem as if you don't need meaning in life. But then in the end he needs meaning again and talks about that its all about love love love. Love is al you need.. Leo is not a nihilist?


How can I thoroughly tackle this. As a natural product of this society I have nihilism. Recently an important person died also. I get to depressed of this whole. I am not getting to the good side and not feeling like I am getting there. What can I do to know I am going in the right direction? Is there a course or program or something to tackle this forgood?



Edited by Gregp

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Love is Nothing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Love is Nothing.

Is this a must watch for people who aren’t nihilistic? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I think it's one of my best episodes.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I think the episode is pretty good. This concept of discarding values that are low-consciousness and cause suffering and violence, being able to see them as meaningless and then creating your own imagined sense of values that help you and others lead better lives is profound. Psychedelics can help with this, if you do not fall into the trap of becoming depressed but instead continue to live a self-actualized life, reclaim your higher responsibilities as a human etc.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I think it's one of my best episodes.

Yeah it’s sounding pretty good so far. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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10 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

Then creating your own imagined sense of values that help you and others lead better lives

@bejapuskas I truly feel there is no use in this all. I am a random piece of stardust, a speck of dust in time and space. Why do anything? This nihilism is pulling me down, it doesn't feel healthy to me. I feel like I have to watch out not getting depressed.

I can't grasp this profound nothingness. Well maybe , when meditating I can feel happy in a sort of no mind state. But I loose this when I stop meditating.

Edited by Gregp

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3 minutes ago, Gregp said:

@bejapuskas I truly feel there is no use in this all. I am a random piece of stardust, a speck of dust in time and space. Why do anything? This nihilism is pulling me down, it doesn't feel healthy to me. I feel like I have to watch out not getting depressed.

No reason to do anything. Why not do things for the sake of doing them? Living life in beauty and happiness is meaningless, yet it's heck of a lot more enjoyable than the alternative (at least that's how I see it)

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@Gregp  If everything is meaningless, then this statement also. You are not nihilist at all, you are just confused and feeling down perhaps.

You are judging things by how big in size they are from what you are saying. But your feeling does not have a size, yet it is there and you are stuck in it. You can do stuff to change this feeling that makes you say such words.

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@Gregp Rewatch the video cause you didn't get it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Gregp Take some time to integrate the grief and loss of your dear ones and of your identity and belief system. The next phase will be to re-assemble differently your self-image and identity and your role in the universe. It seems to me you're taking several blows from life. Love those downs, and learn from them at your own pace. Be strategic in your love for yourself.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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I hoped the forum would help me finding were I don't get the video. 

Ok I am making meaning , that its not good that I can't find meaning. So I am not a full nihilist. I am probably being dogmatic in thinking its wrong there is no meaning. But I do seem to need meaning. Doing something with meaning seem to make me happy. I am a meaning junkie I guess.

Edited by Gregp

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@Gregp Don't just watch my videos, sit down and contemplate what was said.

A single video of mine might require a year of contemplation.

Keep in mind, this nihilism video is the result of 15 years of my contemplation and life experience. You could watch this videos for 15 years and still find new things in it.

The stuff I talk about these days is very deep. Peole don't realize that. It will take most people years to realize how profound the ideas are.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura


You could watch this videos for 15 years and still find new things in it.

Can I understand the videos without reading the books on your book-list?

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47 minutes ago, Gregp said:

I am a random piece of stardust, a speck of dust in time and space. Why do anything?

that is a concept, an idea.  No idea is real, but if you need to have an idea have this: you are existence itself, complete. There is only one being, not in the universe but in the entire existence, and it so happens that that being is you ... neither more nor less. It might seem like self-help nonsense, but that's the way it is

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27 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is only one being, not in the universe but in the entire existence, and it so happens that that being is you


38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A single video of mine might require a year of contemplation.

Cant you kick me around until I get it? Can't find a book in your book list or am I wrong? I just seem to need meaning badly.

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59 minutes ago, Gregp said:

I hoped the forum would help me finding were I don't get the video. 

Ok I am making meaning , that its not good that I can't find meaning. So I am not a full nihilist. I am probably being dogmatic in thinking its wrong there is no meaning. But I do seem to need meaning. Doing something with meaning seem to make me happy. I am a meaning junkie I guess.

That sounds much more descriptive of your actual view, good job on the honesty. :) 

You can create meaning from what you value yourself. Maybe you value human life and potential, so you want to align your actions with that mindset.

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2 hours ago, Gregp said:

So Leo breaks down all meaning in the video of life. Talks a bit about how without meaning you can flow more along with life without struggling. Like going along with the stream with the river, instead of against it. Making it seem as if you don't need meaning in life. But then in the end he needs meaning again and talks about that its all about love love love. Love is al you need.. Leo is not a nihilist?


How can I thoroughly tackle this. As a natural product of this society I have nihilism. Recently an important person died also. I get to depressed of this whole. I am not getting to the good side and not feeling like I am getting there. What can I do to know I am going in the right direction? Is there a course or program or something to tackle this forgood?



   Normally, I would say what comes after Nihilism, after many contemplations and activities, for example meditation, it tends to naturally flow to existentialism, followed by years for exploring life and contemplation. You may also want to consider NLP, along other life courses.

   Also, I know enough about the feeling. Currently processing what happened recently here, and the news about two of my role models that have passed away weeks ago. I am nihilistic and a bit depressed, in thinking and feeling now. However, I keep on doing the work, as that is what occupies me, and a nap as well.

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"Suffering isn't bad, because if you didn't have suffering you would be dead."

The problem with that argument is that it assumes that life is a good thing.

It's true that without suffering you would be dead. But both suffering and life is bad. So, suffering is bad.


"There are people who enjoy suffering, people who get pleasure from suffering."

No. That turns it into pleasure. That's not what suffering is. That twists the entire definition and meaning of the word suffering. The "suffering" which a masochist (self torturer) likes, is actually pleasure, so it's not suffering. There isn't a single living being in existence who wants to suffer in the total/big picture. 

If you want to suffer to get pleasure later (for example lose weight), it only means that you believe that the pleasure later will outweigh the suffering which is required. So it's also just a attempt to avoid suffering.

Edited by Blackhawk

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44 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

You can create meaning from what you value yourself.

@bejapuskas Yes but that's just normal meaning making. Very subjective and linked to survival. I thought Leo was getting to something deeper.

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