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Is deception the only game god knows to play?

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Or is it the requirement for all different games?

I mean can god play with itself without self deception? What games are there other than self deception? 


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I don't even believe in the game premise. I've definitely been """told""" that on psychedelics: "Don't spoil the prank", cosmic joke, yadda yadda. But I think that is just drug insanity.

I prefer the notion that God is merely infinite potential. Something akin to pure energy. In infinite potential and time (time does not exist here so infinite years occur instantly), every single thing which is a possibility MUST occur.

One of those possibilities was the Big Bang. And here we are. I don't think life was "planned". It is a happy accident of the universe which exists as a result of that infinite potential.

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It is less of a deception than a dream or imagination game. Since nothing can exist but via imagination, if you want to create a solid feeling realty, the only way to do it is via a very juicy/powerful illusion.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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