Leo Gura

Religious / Spiritual Symbolism Mega-Thread

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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This is what is called Indra's Net and it shows the interdependence of everything in the cosmos. Everything contains everything else, like an infinite web covered with dew drops contains itself as a fractal to infinity. 


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Yin Yang

I know that all of you know this one, but do you also know what each dot in the two monades and the words "Yin" and "Yang" originally mean?


The dots mean that the white implies the black and the black implies the white - i.e., both always already contain the "seed" of each other. Give birth to Yin and you simultaneously get Yang and vice versa.

"Yin" means the north side of a mountain, where there isn't any light, the shadow side. 

"Yang" means the south side of a mountain, where the snow reflects white light from the sun. 

The literal meaning is "bright-black".

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21 hours ago, EmptyVase said:

Symbol: Nazar (often as an amulet, but also as paintings, art etc.)

From Wikipedia:

A nazar (from Arabic ‏نَظَر‎ Arabic pronunciation: [naðˤar], word deriving from Arabic), meaning sight, surveillance, attention, and other related concepts, is an eye-shaped amulet believed to protect against the evil eye. 

The evil eye (Turkish: Nezar, Greek: μάτι mati, "eye"; Hebrew: עַיִן הָרָע; Arabic: عين ayn; Persian: چشم cheshm) is a superstitious curse or legend, believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when one is unaware. 

This symbol and its explanation has always reminded me of how awareness is the 'cure' for the devil. Especially in eastern countries, where you will see this a lot, I think it is a great reminder to stay attentive and mindful. Just looking at it has something mystical to it. Makes me wanna meditate and surrender.



Wow this is great. This symbol is often seen in kebab shops and Turkish restaurants and I have always wondered what it meant. Thanks!

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"The Axis Mundi: Sacred Sites Where Heaven Meets Earth.

What do Mount Fuji in Japanese culture, the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, Mecca in Islam, and the Black Hills for the Sioux all have in common? They are all examples of a belief in the axis mundi – a perceived center of the world, where Heaven and Earth are connected. This concept is also known by other names, including the ‘world tree’, the ‘world pillar’, and the ‘cosmic axis’."


An example of The World Tree, aka The Tree of Life


Mount Fuji in Japan.


Yggdrasil, The World Ash of the Norse


Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man represented a symbolic and mathematical exploration of the human form as world axis.





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The Raven Creator God from the North American Native tribe called the Haida.  The Raven is seen both as the creator god of the world, and also a trickster, magician, and transformer god interestingly enough, which sort of parallels the idea of reality being an illusion.  


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"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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