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Great Video about Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem

3 posts in this topic

I think he presented it in a way that's somewhat understandable

I like the following he quoted from the authors of a research paper:


Even a perfect, complete description of the microscopic interactions between a material's particles is not always enough to deduce its macroscopic properties.


Edited by ItsNick

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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It's so obvious that you can't prove everything that it is laughable that any serious person could believe otherwise.

And yet that's how rationalists behave.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's so obvious that you can't prove everything that it is laughable that any serious person could believe otherwise.

And yet that's how rationalists behave.

If only they held that same attitude towards their own beliefs.

Demand proof for "new age woo", no proof needed for materialism.

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