Leo Gura

Looking For New Mods Who Will Help People With Serious Emotional Issues

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Still made up guy talking and still you are duliding yourself with "conversation". There is none. 

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5 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

@kinesin Actually awake guys themselves can't provide you answer why you shouldn't go for Mahasamadhi. 

If you ask me honestly I would nit suggest you that but myself I would want it and I still do. 

Greatest prize of all is complete eternal death. Not dreaming. 

You're already "dead", you'd be exactly here, just experiencing something else.

And there is a good chance it will be far worse than what you got right now.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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5 minutes ago, Shin said:

You're already "dead", you'd be exactly here, just experiencing something else.

And there is a good chance it will be far worse than what you got right now.

I nearly turned into a fish once.

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@Zeroguy  Yeah, I understand what you're saying - there is a very apparent hypocrisy in 'awakened' teachers telling people to overcome the dream because it's all fake, yet at the same time begging you not to harm yourself and being unable to explain why without contradicting themselves.  That hypocrisy shows me that they don't have the whole picture of understanding - I myself believe I have the whole picture.

You see, you have to reclaim the reality within nonreality.  On one level there is no conversation here - that is true.  What's stopping us from allowing ourselves to flow in the dream by treating it as if it were infact real, though?  I can't describe in words the process by which I became once again able to see the dream as real despite it being simultaneously nonreal - it was a long process with a lot of meditation and other contemplations.  I do know that this is the 'cure' though, which surpasses the perspectives given by many prominent teachers.  Find a route toward seeing it as both real and nonreal without any contradiction, then the desire for Mahasamadhi fades away.

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@kinesin It is literally forcing blind to lead blind. 

Those who help and those who are in search of help are literally the same. 

Equally deluded. 

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1 hour ago, kinesin said:

@Opo  an unflinching attitude of absolute nonjudgment and loving empathy.  

I fear that that approach could feed their delusions and make the things worse. 

I agree with the loving empathy but I'm struggling with the non judgment part. 

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@Opo  Non-judgment doesn't mean agreement, it simply means not judging them for it.  To agree with everything they said would be harmful indeed.

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1 hour ago, Zeroguy said:

Still made up guy talking and still you are duliding yourself with "conversation". There is none. 

Then why are you talking ? :)



Sans titre.png


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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27 minutes ago, kinesin said:

Non-judgment doesn't mean agreement, it simply means not judging them for it.  To agree with everything they said would be harmful indeed.

Non-judgement is a judgement :ph34r:

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Etherial Cat said:

That's what I said in my first post. 

Radoteur ! :P

Yes, but If I say it with other words, it looks like I'm having original thoughts !

Plus it's one more message for the section we need :ph34r:

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

Maybe we should also create a separate section for fooling around.


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22 hours ago, Seed said:

This puts a lot of responsibility of those mods.... and of you. Is this really possible? What if one still slips through the net. How will you / they cope with this? Knowing they or you were actively involved in their last moments. I am a therapist and have to have extensive therapy to deal which such potentialities... as well as 4 year degree of practical and theoretical training. I also have insurance. The emotional impact and implication of putting someone else in this position of care is a huge.

Edit: also without proper boundaries in place, there’s also high risk of vulnerable people become codependent on the mods.

Please be careful. 


I think its more about just to give a general direction to those people in terms of nutrition, physical activity, meditation techniques, detoxes, recommended therapists, life style changes, give them unconditional love etc.

Not any sharp recommendation but only show the possibilities and give an healthier direction.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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1 hour ago, kinesin said:

@Opo  Non-judgment doesn't mean agreement, it simply means not judging them for it.  To agree with everything they said would be harmful indeed.

Do you mean stopping only the type of judgment like ''you're an idiot'' and so on, or all of it? 

Because if you stop all of it I don't think how you wouldn't end up paralyzed. 

Edited by Opo

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@Opo  I'm not talking about overt statements like "you're an idiot".  I'm not talking either about thinking "this person is an idiot".  I'm talking about the innate feeling which precedes both thought and action, the feeling that the person is 'just' an idiot, or 'just' trying to cause drama, or 'just' trying to make things hard for themselves and others, or 'just' being delusional.  These feelings can feel quite objective when we experience them, but all they succeed to do is make us feel disunity with another person, which doesn't lead to positive outcomes.  When I say non-judgment, there is a sense in which I'm talking about a different way of percieving who that person is, fundamentally.  Are they their behaviours?  If they are their behaviours, then when their behaviours are bad it becomes hard to feel positively about them.  Are they a core of childhood innocence which may still remain buried within?  This is a more useful way to interpret them, imo, but it doesn't go quite far enough.  Are they a formless awareness, experiencing phenomena in material reality?  Yes, this is what they are.  A person's formless awareness precedes their thoughts, precedes their actions, their behaviours.  When a person in a therapeutic or teaching role posesses the ability to retain unconditional, non-judgmental love for a difficult person no matter what they think, say or do, it's because they're percieving them in this way.  Look beyond the character and percieve them instead as a soul in difficulty, and it becomes not only easier to empathise with them, but the only natural reaction.

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3 hours ago, kinesin said:

@Zeroguy  Yeah, I understand what you're saying - there is a very apparent hypocrisy in 'awakened' teachers telling people to overcome the dream because it's all fake, yet at the same time begging you not to harm yourself and being unable to explain why without contradicting themselves.


That is false. You can fully awaken from the dream without harming the physical body.  There is nowhere to go but back into the dream, but you can fully awaken.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Basically just empathize, repeat back to them what they've said in my own words, suggest that their problem isn't necessarily a problem, and then suggest what I might do in their situation?

Italicized portion might be incorrect. Maybe I'm not cut out for it. Just wondering.

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@Inliytened1  Awakening isn't awakening until it's integrated back into the dream.  The dream is an illusion, awakening is another illusion, and reintegration is a unified understanding.  I agree with you completely that full awakening is possible without harming the body - infact I believe those who value Mahāsamādhi have only a partial awakening, and in my view a partial awakening is worse than no awakening at all.

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