Leo Gura

Looking For New Mods Who Will Help People With Serious Emotional Issues

158 posts in this topic

In light of recent events we are tightening the ship around here.

I am looking for a few additional Mods who will specialize in looking for posts/users who are going through difficult emotional stuff and suicidal thoughts or dark nights of the soul, and helping to guide such people towards professional help.

You are not going to be their therapist, but in this role you will be dealing with more emotional issues so I'm looking for people who are interested in that kind of work. This role requires high empathy for struggling people and lots of patience. Your primary job would be to monitor the forum for people who are seriously struggling, depressed, or suicidal, and helping to guide them towards some real-world treatment options because this forum is not sufficient for such hard cases. Such people need real-world support and your role would be to hold them over until they can get it. And also to report back to me any members who are in serious danger of suicide. Because as this forum continues we will inevitably run into such people here. It's not avoidable and we need this place to be safe from any crazy self-harm incidents.

Also, look out for any people considering Mahasamadhi. We are not gonna be allowing that here.

If this role sounds like it fits you, please PM me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Do they need to be mods for that? 

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55 minutes ago, Opo said:

Do they need to be mods for that? 

Yes, so we have some structure to it.

Of course you regular members can help out whenever you're able.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Have you thought about reforming the serious emotional problems sections?

I would suggest you rethink maybe your forum's structure by creating a section dedicated to the integrative path, as opposed to the spiritual transcendence focus that a lot of people have in here.

Maybe having a section dedicated to emotions, emotional intelligence, shadow work and who knows would 1) act as prevention by offering resources and perspectives on these matters 2) help attracting and maybe retaining individuals who are more abiding towards this type of spirituality which would maybe benefit the whole ecosystem of this forum.

I think I see a lot of people here who might benefit from such a section. Spiritual work is often used as a way to bypass emotions and repress them by "transcending the suffering" but at the end of it can pretty unhealthy.


Other than that. I would have helped you, though the task is just over my current emotional resources and I'm not sure if you'd think I'd make mod material.  I hope you'll find yours mods, regardless! :) 


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This puts a lot of responsibility of those mods.... and of you. Is this really possible? What if one still slips through the net. How will you / they cope with this? Knowing they or you were actively involved in their last moments. I am a therapist and have to have extensive therapy to deal which such potentialities... as well as 4 year degree of practical and theoretical training. I also have insurance. The emotional impact and implication of putting someone else in this position of care is a huge.

Edit: also without proper boundaries in place, there’s also high risk of vulnerable people become codependent on the mods.

Please be careful. 


Edited by Seed

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You can't just put out a vague open call for 'empathetic people' to act as mental health support staff.  Actualized is a business, right?  If new demands are emerging, then the business will have to expand its scope to meet them.  These individuals will need proper, standardized training with accreditation, they'll need compensation for their time if any reasonable level of quality is to be expected of them and they'll need some degree of legal backing in the event that any of their support leads to a harmful outcome.

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1 minute ago, kinesin said:

You can't just put out a vague open call for 'empathetic people' to act as mental health support staff.  Actualized is a business, right?  If new demands are emerging, then the business will have to expand its scope to meet them.  These individuals will need proper, standardized training with accreditation, they'll need compensation for their time if any reasonable level of quality is to be expected of them and they'll need some degree of legal backing in the event that any of their support leads to a harmful outcome.

Are you crazy? Leo will just close the forum section. That´s all. No accreditation, no legal backing...

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Just now, Hulia said:

Are you crazy? Leo will just close the forum section. That´s all. No accreditation, no legal backing...

Love my pragmatic lady with common sense.That boss really gets on your nerves because inefficiency .Answer given str8 away.man should be really afraid of you.No fooling around with  you.

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This is a welcome change and seen opportunity for this place, I think, for this place to diversify in terms of meeting people's current needs and states and helping them and counciling them in overcoming them. 

I am glad about it especially since I am currently going through similar thought and feeling patterns born out a current state of apathy and nihilism in my mind regarding some aspects of my life and life in general, and towards some people, unfortunately by my own unconscious, fearful, selfish and impulsive doing.

If I am unable to fix it myself I would be really grateful if I could get some consulting and advice and how to approach and fix these mental issues by mods specializing in it on that forum subsection. 


"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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1 hour ago, Seed said:

This puts a lot of responsibility of those mods.... and of you. Is this really possible? What if one still slips through the net. How will you / they cope with this? Knowing they or you were actively involved in their last moments. I am a therapist and have to have extensive therapy to deal which such potentialities... as well as 4 year degree of practical and theoretical training. I also have insurance. The emotional impact and implication of putting someone else in this position of care is a huge.

Edit: also without proper boundaries in place, there’s also high risk of vulnerable people become codependent on the mods.

Please be careful. 


Yeah... It's a bit dangerous. It'll work for PR though, and might restrict some individuals' wild ideations as a bonus.

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I think it's important to direct people to where they need to go

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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12 minutes ago, Khr said:

I can bet that most people, 99.999% of viewers are just binge watching these “higher topic” videos to make them feel “better than the rest” and for mental masturbation purposes while avoiding basic “getting their sh*t together” work that needs to be done. Kind of like “spirituality junkies”. Of course there is some benefit to that, but not at the cost of actually improving their life/finding their inner peace.

^^ Yeah, this is likely.

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26 minutes ago, The0Self said:

^^ Yeah, this is likely.

More than likely, did that for years lol

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Be careful who you choose for this role. You should vet their post history to ensure they are emotionally stable and integrated.

There's so many broken people on here who think they can fix others lol

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My first thought was: That would be an honor. Emotions are my field. I know my way around them.

But then I was quickly reminded just how big of a responsibility that would be. And how much time and energy it would require. Not to mention that I as well need some guidance here and there. I've got my own process going on.. So yeah. I'm passionate about the idea, but I don't think I'm qualified for the position.

It is a very good idea - imo. Just please be careful with who you choose - if I may add. When those (mentally/emotionally unstable) people see that green username; they will trust its guidance blindly - in most cases. They will put him/her way up on the pedestal. Some might even build wild fantasies and develop hardcore attachments. SoonHei had Nahm's name on his dreamboard.. You get what I'm saying..

So yeah - I trust you are already well aware of all that, but still, just in case..

I would even consider hiring someone with 'real-life' qualifications and experiences in this field.

Best of luck.

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As  a ex sufferer of mental illness i think i would be a good fit ...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Imagine taking that burden and having that on your conscious..

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