Julian gabriel

Why The Fascination With The Opposite Sex?

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I see much more then just survival in the plays of romance that are put on all around me, between almost every man and every woman.

There is a deeper explanation for the ethereal nature of sexual romance. 

There is the craving For what is lacking/opposite: feminine craves masculine, dominant craves submissive.

But there is also a craving for what is similar/familiar: rational craves rational, toxic craves toxic.

It is as if the human mating process is specifically designed to trick seekers of pleasure and comfort to grow and change, by making them desire enough which is the same, in order to coax them in, but enough which is different in order to force them to change and love broader.

I want to go as deep as possible starting with sexual romance and arriving at God.

How do we deconstruct the metaphors of god within sexual romance? Where do we start?

I want a clearer view of this. 


(I didn't put this in the dating, relationships and sexuality category because I intend it to be more of a philosophical discussion)



Edited by Julian gabriel

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I see it like a duality that searching the nondual. Only Nondual can create 

A feminin is mirroring the masculine and vice versa. Biologically and hormonally feminine and masculine are exactly the opposite, the amount of the hormones it compliments them.

A man without estrogens looses his libido and will probably get a heart attack, female hormone that he needs to be a man.

A woman without testosterone looses her Libido and will get awful illnesses,masculine hormone that she needs to be a woman.

A bolt has no purpose without a thread ;) but both can create stability, tension and so on.

If God gives birth to itself it needs this duality, it's like God splits it self.

That's for now for me, I'll get more philosophical and I'll get back, is a nice topic 

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41 minutes ago, Insane butterfly said:

I see it like a duality that searching the nondual. Only Nondual can create 

A feminin is mirroring the masculine and vice versa. Biologically and hormonally feminine and masculine are exactly the opposite, the amount of the hormones it compliments them.

That's how it is. Two energetic polar opposites looking to merge back in oneness.

It's just a beautiful expression of unity in the relative.


There are some people that we meet and we have this intuition that if we were to come together and express this shared being, that every part of our body and mind would be touched by the relationship, that no part of us would remain unseen or closed. So that kind of relationship has a much greater power to permeate every aspect of our lives. So the shared being is expressed intellectually, emotionally, physically, in every way that sense of our shared being touches every aspect of our lives and that there is a kind of dance that goes on intellectually, emotionally and physically in which that one's entire body mind is opened up to the love that is shared. That you can't do with everybody. - Rupert Spira

And once you are fully incarnating non-dual consciousness, and realize oneness, whenever you are making love to your partner there is nothing as such as two. You become one, all separations are broken down.

The end game would be to find a partner who is equally as conscious. Here consciousness would be making love to itself in the world of form in full awareness and energetic synergy. But hey- not easy to arrive at this end game! ;) 

Edited by Etherial Cat

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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1 hour ago, Etherial Cat said:

That's how it is. Two energetic polar opposites looking to merge back in oneness.

It's just a beautiful expression of unity in the relative.


There are some people that we meet and we have this intuition that if we were to come together and express this shared being, that every part of our body and mind would be touched by the relationship, that no part of us would remain unseen or closed. So that kind of relationship has a much greater power to permeate every aspect of our lives. So the shared being is expressed intellectually, emotionally, physically, in every way that sense of our shared being touches every aspect of our lives and that there is a kind of dance that goes on intellectually, emotionally and physically in which that one's entire body mind is opened up to the love that is shared. That you can't do with everybody. - Rupert Spira

And once you are fully incarnating non-dual consciousness, and realize oneness, whenever you are making love to your partner there is nothing as such as two. You become one, all separations are broken down.

The end game would be to find a partner who is equally as conscious. Here consciousness would be making love to itself in the world of form in full awareness and energetic synergy. But hey- not easy to arrive at this end game! ;) 

Wow.What a load for my mind.Need time to shake that off.

Survival,pleasure and that's it.

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17 hours ago, Insane butterfly said:

I see it like a duality that searching the nondual. Only Nondual can create 

A feminin is mirroring the masculine and vice versa. Biologically and hormonally feminine and masculine are exactly the opposite, the amount of the hormones it compliments them.

A man without estrogens looses his libido and will probably get a heart attack, female hormone that he needs to be a man.

A woman without testosterone looses her Libido and will get awful illnesses,masculine hormone that she needs to be a woman.

A bolt has no purpose without a thread ;) but both can create stability, tension and so on.

If God gives birth to itself it needs this duality, it's like God splits it self.

That's for now for me, I'll get more philosophical and I'll get back, is a nice topic 

thanks that was a kewl explanation.

I wonder how homosexuality would play into this.

if it’s a coming together of opposites then why would 2 feminine men come together for example.

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1 hour ago, Julian gabriel said:

thanks that was a kewl explanation.

I wonder how homosexuality would play into this.

if it’s a coming together of opposites then why would 2 feminine men come together for example.

I will give you my opinion with a small disclaimer at first.

I was for years not comfortable next to homosexualls until I tried to understand them. What I'll write is just my observations trying not to be biased and with no offense to anybody.

From my observations seeing a men's couple. The majority behave like women, they adopting though the most toxic feminin side of a woman, gossiping screaming moving like they lost their bones, extrem dresses, extrem vulnerability and so on, in general a cheap behavior of a woman that no man ever wants to have next to him when secretly hate women.

Seeing a women's couple, I observe the opposite, they hate men but they adopt the most toxic masculine behavior ever, unwashed, with a cheap beer in their hand awful clothing  fake masculine behavior and so on, the truck driver style dude.

In the whole I see the epitome of confusion inside them, they try to hang on an identity (see love parades), they desperately try to prove themselves that they are satisfied screaming for attention which I find very hypocritical. 

I don't blame homosexualls, they have their traumata but society doesn't give them guidance and push them to the extremes and that brings them only confusion. I sence that as much they scream for external validation that low is the validation of who they choose to be, I see pain and suffering inside them. 

When I was 5 years old I sat on the lap of the most beautiful woman i had seeing as a small boy, she is a friend of the family, growing up I found out that she is a Trans, once upon a time she was a man, on her 20s she went to Casablanca (the only place for surgery on the 70s) and cut everything off. Honestly many women could learn a lot about femininity from her. I have huge respect  because I never senced a hypocrisy on her, she was beautiful, respectful, elegant with dignity with no hate for any gender, you wouldn't even imagine her past, a real woman. But she embraced femininity, she admired men and women. In a nutshell she loved her self!

I contracted my self with what I write now, I respect a homosexual who has deconstructed and accepted who he is and I cannot stand a feminin truck driver or a masculine slut, I see only hypocrisy in it!

Biologically homosexuality doesn't match,  but biology can do mistakes, it's not perfect,  so I'm learning my self to be more open minded to this issue.

As my grandfather was saying,  some are doing and some are pretending that they are doing! 


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I think it only creates problems if you try to understand gender is binary or a some sort of opposites. While you might perceive one person as the polar opposite of another person from some perspective, it is not possible to describe some other people that way, although they might have similar characteristics. 

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On 5/23/2021 at 8:08 AM, Insane butterfly said:

I will give you my opinion with a small disclaimer at first.

I was for years not comfortable next to homosexualls until I tried to understand them. What I'll write is just my observations trying not to be biased and with no offense to anybody.

From my observations seeing a men's couple. The majority behave like women, they adopting though the most toxic feminin side of a woman, gossiping screaming moving like they lost their bones, extrem dresses, extrem vulnerability and so on, in general a cheap behavior of a woman that no man ever wants to have next to him when secretly hate women.

Seeing a women's couple, I observe the opposite, they hate men but they adopt the most toxic masculine behavior ever, unwashed, with a cheap beer in their hand awful clothing  fake masculine behavior and so on, the truck driver style dude.

In the whole I see the epitome of confusion inside them, they try to hang on an identity (see love parades), they desperately try to prove themselves that they are satisfied screaming for attention which I find very hypocritical. 

I don't blame homosexualls, they have their traumata but society doesn't give them guidance and push them to the extremes and that brings them only confusion. I sence that as much they scream for external validation that low is the validation of who they choose to be, I see pain and suffering inside them. 

When I was 5 years old I sat on the lap of the most beautiful woman i had seeing as a small boy, she is a friend of the family, growing up I found out that she is a Trans, once upon a time she was a man, on her 20s she went to Casablanca (the only place for surgery on the 70s) and cut everything off. Honestly many women could learn a lot about femininity from her. I have huge respect  because I never senced a hypocrisy on her, she was beautiful, respectful, elegant with dignity with no hate for any gender, you wouldn't even imagine her past, a real woman. But she embraced femininity, she admired men and women. In a nutshell she loved her self!

I contracted my self with what I write now, I respect a homosexual who has deconstructed and accepted who he is and I cannot stand a feminin truck driver or a masculine slut, I see only hypocrisy in it!

Biologically homosexuality doesn't match,  but biology can do mistakes, it's not perfect,  so I'm learning my self to be more open minded to this issue.

As my grandfather was saying,  some are doing and some are pretending that they are doing! 


Real lesbians don't hate men and gay guys don't hate women...it is usually the opposite. Straight women will hate men then go to lesbianism to get back at men and Straight men will hate women for "hurting" them, but most won't turn to men they will just use and abuse women. Trans usually act more feminine to try to hide their masculine side just like the more feminine gay guy will act more feminine to try to attract the more feminine or sometimes masculine straight guy. They are just extremities. The real gays try to attract the straights. Reading your post makes me think you misunderstand the gay community. You think lesbians are such because they hate men. They don't need to. The butch ones or more masculine ones don't hate men because they don't have to deal with them on an intimate level and,, therefore,, don't get hurt by them.. The more feminine ones who are real lesbians don't either. The wannabes, maybe, the fake ones who turn to women because they've been hurt but they don't usually last in that community. Most of them were sexually molested as a child also. I speak from experience. My sister is gay, my best friend is gay, I've been around Trans in the past, and I used to go to gay clubs and I myself have been with women even though I'm not a lesbian.  I've been around the gay community and they don't hate the opposite sex. That belongs in the straight community, for the most part. It's mostly about identity and that's usually with the masculine women and the feminine men. They have a hard time fitting in,  but not within themselves but in societies' standards. The lesbians will usually stay together for years and decades while the gay men will go through each other like underwear.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia Agreed that gays want str8 man. 

So many times been approached by them. 

1st time  one of them approached me I was still young. Felt like raped and was disgusted. Couldn't beleive what just happened. 

2nd time it happened gay was way to pushy barely witholded myself to don't beat living shit out of him. 



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Sometimes I really wonder what is their line of reasoning why they risk that much. Whats in their head. 

One is if some random girl reject you.Hello PUA duded I love you so much. Different thing is when tatooed buffed mofo does it. 

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36 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

@Princess Arabia Agreed that gays want str8 man. 

So many times been approached by them. 

1st time  one of them approached me I was still young. Felt like raped and was disgusted. Couldn't beleive what just happened. 

2nd time it happened gay was way to pushy barely witholded myself to don't beat living shit out of him. 


This is what women go through all the time, just with straight men hitting on them.

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17 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

This is what women go through all the time, just with straight men hitting on them.

Yeah it is true. 

But it is also true that they will not feel or react this way for all man too. 

Remember highschool they are still the same nothing ever changed. 


Edited by Zeroguy

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57 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

@Zeroguy  Of course they don't. Do you react to all girls hitting on you the same?

Yeah you cought me. Well it's a game, have fun playing it. Just can't be main thing in men life. That's all. 

Women are awesome. If woman plays it means that she is psychologically healthy nothing wrong or to bu judged about. 

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