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Full awakening.

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This is it. 


Absolute nothing is everything. it IS. There is no difference whatsoever.
An idea 
that s what reality is 
thats what you are 
the whole universe


the duality between imaginary and real
such duality is imaginary itself

Now i get why it's groundless


indeed, god is one
its me, tricking me 
layers upon layers 
all imaginary




This awakening is one about the nature of God, and builts on my previous one where all dualities collapsed.

Or did i think. The key here was to relinquish my fear to realize the imaginary nature of the boundary I draw between what's real and what isn't

This allowed to further deconstruct reality. Its imaginary nature from the divine imagination. Fall of all dualities, surrendering absolutely everything. Everything collapsing into this infinite singularity. God.

 This is the mind of God. This is the Godhead. God cousciousness from now on.

Then what is God ? What am I ? What is anything ? Absolute infinity, existing for itself for ever. Unconstrained

God is the ultimate being of infinite love, power, energy.

Again, God is BEING. This allows you to tap into God, for all things are but a manifestation of your ultimate will as God.

You can't not be God. You're the ONLY thing that exist.

Yes you, who reads those lines. You are me, and I'm you. You're just playing infinite tricks on yourself.

I want you to know there is nothing to fear, whatever hardships you're going through. Life is so hard sometimes, I know. It's okay. Oceans of love are awaiting for you. Just hang on. 

There is a lot I still fail to articulate. Mainly my understanding of why reality is the way that it is now, in relationship to the nature of God, which goes hand in hand. It wouldn't be of much use anyways.


Obviously, there are so much implications. This will take decades to integrate.


Edited by flyingwhalee

Check out my project's new music video about climate change issues: Day Of Change - Earth Failure (Official music video)

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It's real and it's a joke, that duality also collapses :)

Edited by Gili Trawangan

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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  On 5/22/2021 at 2:07 AM, flyingwhalee said:

an idea 
that s what reality is 

If reality is an idea... what is aware of that idea? ? That smells like two - not one - to me.

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Yes sir. Incoming "now what" question. :P.. The problem with these insights is that the "ego" comes back and gives them value. That insight has no value, it is neither a joke or serious. For the "me" it feels groundless and disorienting after such an awakening, it will grasp for ground but grasping for ground is now hopeless. What is left is ????. Untill that dies. Nothing will be left to grasp for, every attempt to go beyond "what is" will be fatigued, and then... Nothing. No where to go, nothing in need to be understood, or resolved. Voila, "Understood the joke" achievement is now unlocked ?. 

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  On 5/22/2021 at 2:30 AM, ivankiss said:

If reality is an idea... what is aware of that idea? ? That smells like two - not one - to me.

I thought the same thing but then figured maybe he meant reality as in universe with a small "u"


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Here's a cute realization that just dawned;

The 'Small you' could be considered as 'psychological oneness' and the 'Big You'...well... Universal Oneness. God.


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  On 5/22/2021 at 2:54 AM, ivankiss said:

Here's a cute realization that just dawned;

The 'Small you' could be considered as 'psychological oneness' and the 'Big You'...well... Universal Oneness. God.


Like you said before - it's all just One.  The finger is the hand :)

Form is formlessness 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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