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How I make sense of Leo's video on God realization (and how it might help you too)

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I think the fundamental way to understand all of what Leo said is to think in terms of inner parts of us (inner selves or the different 'I's inside of us).

We all have different parts in ourselves inside of us. Right now, I have the part of me that is intellectual and is writing these things. Let's call him Mr. Intellectual. A few minutes ago, a part of me that was frustrated wanted to hit the table. Let's call him Mr. Frustrated

Mr. Frustrated isn't the same as Mr. Intellectual. Mr. Frustrated can't think a lot, it's just frustrated. It wanted something and it didn't get it. It doesn't think as deeply as Mr.Intellectual. It just feels. It gets activated and becomes 'me' when something triggers it. It fully occupies my awareness or 'my seat of consciousness'(I identify with it fully).

At some points in time, Mr. Intellectual dominates the 'seat of consciousness (like at this moment, while writing). No other part's perspective feels real.

A few minutes ago, the frustrated part 'took over' my consciousness and that's all it felt. Frustration. The pure raw emotion of it was all that was real. No intellectualization. 

I can still feel Mr.Frustrated in me now. It's not 'me' anymore, it's separate from me, in my chest. I can in fact talk to it, find out why it's frustrated. It responds because it has a consciousness of its own. And I can talk to Mr. Intellectual as well, it is located in my head.

This is not merely theory, this can be done by yourself and verified. The 'inner child/children' in pscyhology is exactly what I am referring to. You can talk to your parts. 

These parts are not just 'thoughts', they're complete identities with their own memories, beliefs, feelings, history, location in the body, emotions. The identity/part is primary, an entity. Thoughts are what each part thinks(Mr. Intellectual theorizes everything, Mr. Frustrated thinks thoughts of frustration).

In each moment of time, you are identified with a part and its perspective. Or have a mixture of parts activated (remember those times you felt happy, sad, and frustrated at the same time? Mulitple parts are in the 'seat of consciousness'). 

In your dreams these parts take certain character roles and you interact with them(I haven't verified this bit, just a theory). 

If I disidentify with all parts, I can reach the core of myself or The True Self (the aspect of me not identified with any part's thoughts and beliefs). I can then talk to my inner children/parts from this vantage point. From this perspective, I have love, compassion, care for my inner parts(as The Self is loving and has no agenda/survival needs). 

Have you noticed that one day you're sad, and every other perspective seems untrue, except the sadness. The sadness feels absolutely real. That's because Mr. Sad has completely taken over your 'seat of consciousness' and all other perspectives seem untrue. 

So where am I going with this? Just like we have inner parts of ourselves, God has within him different parts of Himself. You, me, Leo are all fragments of God. Like I have internal parts(frustrated, intellectual, sad), God has inner parts(Leo, Setzer901, each one of you in the forum).

I think Leo has surpassed the True Self and gone straight to God. God occupied his 'seat of consciousness'. So of course from God's point, Leo's perspective doesn't exist anymore, only God exists. Maybe God can talk to Leo.  God can see me and Leo as parts of himself, but he isn't identified with either.

I think if we all think in terms of parts, Leo's video might make sense. 

That said, I have 0 mystical experience, just experience of my own psychology.

I'm not sure if this makes sense because it's nuanced topic, but I'd be welcome to clarify any doubts. 

Edited by Setzer901

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This video by Teal Swan (not my favorite spiritual teacher, but she does have some good videos), explains this.


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You’re quite close considering you’ve had zero mystical experiences. 

It’s a lot more radical than this though. Your present moment experience right now is God and potentially the entirety of God as God could be said to exist (pay attention to the present tense here). 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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