Leo Gura

Major Discussion Of Actualized.org Teachings & The Future

280 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura I’m worried that if you publicly talk about this unfortunate suicide incident on your channel then you could get a huge backlash. 

I mentioned my experience of writing an e book and someone coming after me saying that made them depressed. It sounds silly, but it was nearly a year of lawyers and small courts. 

you already have some haters and trolls who’ve made negative videos towards your teachings … but this story would be the bait for them, 

I don’t want to seem like I’m being over the top, I just think as your teachings get more radical and if you talk about this suicide incident openly, you risk even your channel itself. 
just thinking of you Leo and actualized as I believe you have done absolutely nothing wrong. 

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I would just mirror what users @Tetcher2 and @Derek White have openly said, and what many others have tried dancing around.

@Preety_India is a complete embarrassment to this community. When people like myself refer to the cult-like element within this forum, then honestly this is precisely what we are talking about - she is the gift that keeps on giving.

I must have received around 40 comments from her within the space of about two hours on my channel, and I see here that she was equally busy spinning that story over here, in the time between each of those. Of course she would paint that conversation as my immediate "calling her an idiot", but that's not quite what happened, and it took a good amount of attempted civility on my part before I could see I was pissing in the wind.

You have a problem here guys.  

Edited by AdeptusPsychonautica

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11 minutes ago, AdeptusPsychonautica said:

When people like myself refer to the cult-like element within this forum, then honestly this is precisely what we are talking about - she is the gift that keeps on giving.

It would be wise of you to acknowledge that the way you do your videos is fuel for the reptilian brain, so don't be too surprised when you call everything a cult, that you get people who vehemently disagree with you.

It's a rather low blow to call something people love a cult, and then when they respond to you passionately that it is not a cult, then you use that as evidence to validate your original theory. This is called confirmation bias and self-fulfilling prophecy 101 and there's nothing nuanced or sophisticated about how that works. This is basic self-deception and it misinforms your own viewers who I assume you would rather be educating rather than triggering.

See... you could do this with any popular brand. You could call CNN a cult, you could call Tesla a cult, you could call any spiritual teacher a cult, you could call Nintendo a cult, you could even call a university a cult -- and if the brand has passionate fans you will have triggered them to instinctively attack you, and then you would use that as evidence that they are a cult. But what you're doing there is not anything rational or scientific, it is just poking a hornet's nest.

When you make triggery videos, people get triggered.

If you're going to be using the cult word, maybe actually read some books about what cults are and are not. Or if you don't want to read, I have videos about it: Cult Psychology - Part 1 and Cult Psychology - Part 2.

The problem with your critiques is that you clearly have not listened to much of my teachings. Or if you listened, you were listening with an eye for clickbait drama psychedelic stuff rather than actually bothering to hear the teaching.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I feel your teachings are completely fine, but your tone/method of delivery sometimes could use some 'softening'. I can totally imagine you can come off as downright rude or even a bully to some people. Of course I understand that you consciously use this method of delivery, but maybe in some cases it can be counterproductive.

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@Leo Gura for sure I acknowledge that, and it would be wise for those users to realize just how triggered they are.

Still there is triggered, then there is TRIGGERED. After all the bulk of the membership here isn't acting in such a way, and the element that is is actively pissing off others within the group - hence, you have a problem.

Of course I do not personally identify within this group so I am sincerely offering you this as an outside opinion, because it certainly does seem like you have a blindspot for this particular user which I do not think you would let others get away with.

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@Leo Gura wow you are quick! I'm seriously impressed by how quickly you can pump out high quality videos

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7 minutes ago, AdeptusPsychonautica said:

hence, you have a problem.

Actually that's not my problem, that's your problem.

Precisely because this place is not a cult, I have no control over how members here express themselves on your YT channel. Nor do I care to micromanage what member here say to you.

All I would ask my members to do is to not be rude, don't attack anyone, don't start fights, and try not to get goaded into flame wars and drama. In other words: BE CONSCIOUS! Which is all I basically teach. Just be fucking conscious if you can. Simple, timeless advice that is guaranteed to work.

What this situation requires is deescalation. If people here keep escalating, it will get escalated. And that's how war happens, FYI.

War sorta goes against my teachings, in case that wasn't obvious.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, AdeptusPsychonautica said:

@Preety_India is a complete embarrassment to this community. When people like myself refer to the cult-like element within this forum, then honestly this is precisely what we are talking about - she is the gift that keeps on giving.

What's with the pettiness?

You call something a cult, people say it's not and you go like "AAhhh that's exactly what a cult member would say"


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@Leo Gura  Just briefly, what is your main disagreement with the work of Frank Yang ? Because I feel truth in your teachings and also in his. 

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Actually that's not my problem, that your problem.

No mate, its my ammunition.

I have zero problem with users like this. They bake the cake for me, so please don't interpret this comment as me complaining, and these guys are welcome to come test their mettle on my channel anytime.

I am genuinely trying to help you here - Its your bad PR, just like Connor was your bad PR.

Do what you will with that bit of feedback, its your house :)

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It is my first post here although i'm watching this forum for over a year.

I did not want to post anything because i was tired of the silly debates about levels of awakening, permanent or impermanent, meditation vs psychedelics, ego fights. People here need to be more openminded and respect other’s experiences. There isn’t a natural path or way to awakening, because everything is natural, everything is the same substance. I feel that everything you imagine that helps you, it helps you. Meditation is imaginary as is a psychedelic. You need to understand that is useless to debate over personal concepts because you are brainwashed since your birth and it keeps happening through authorities.

In reality there are no authorities. Not Jesus, not Budda, not Leo, or whatever name you imagine. Only YOU are authority, so train your direct experience.

I watched the conversation between adeptus and that girl and i also commented. It was a low quality conversation. Instead of preaching the gift of life, their implicit target was Leo. They simply cannot or don't want to understand what is life and they're trying to prevent others from understanding. Adeptus is doing the same thing that he was blaming psymposia did to Martin Ball. Foolish games.

I'm 43 years old and until my 42 i was deeply depressed. I was born in a religious family (Jehovah’s Witnesses), after years of struggling with the cult i became an atheist, then agnostic believing in science. Until an accidental normal dosing of MDMA (i was only micro dosing because i was too afraid) took away everything i was believing in life and all the depression forever. It opened my mind and i started watching videos about meditation (previous diabolic) and psychedelics (previous dangerous drugs). So i found @Leo Gura and i'm thankful because he helped me to change the structure of my thinking and find out myself who am i and what is real. I loved life again.

Awaking is about loving life, loving the dream because there is nowhere else to go. If God wanted to be only nothingness, he wouldn't love this dream so much. Whoever thinks that killing himself is closer to God mode has bought into the illusion. Life is God right now. Zero and Infinity. Always protect and love yourself and your vessel, no need for mahasamandi or crazy amounts of psychedelics. Truth will find you one way or another, because you are truth.

Debates do not help anyone because they serve ego agendas. You can be a great meditator or psychonaut and still be close minded because of your mind's structure. Open your mind.

Thanks, Leo, for bringing this post up and i hope that this forum will become an awakening oasis.

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7 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Don't slander the organisation

There are definitely issues with @Preety_Indias conduct on the forum, I think the main issue is that she's usually strong and wrong which can lure people, Inc myself, into unnecessary debates.

I do feel her heart is in the right place and I think she genuinely does what she thinks is best, but I would urge her to really consider her posts and how they may trigger other people. It also does set a bad example because others have been banned for less, I'm not saying she should be banned at all, but I can understand how some might feel slighted. 


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@Leo Gura I have always admired the fact that you are creating your work and giving it to the world for free. Few points on this:

  • The youtube demographic is mostly 13-year-old kids. Kids are "highly" influenced by someone who is presenting himself as an authoritative figure and they take all your Words for granted. You have to take this into account when you present very Radical Ideas to the general public because young kids will take your Word and run with it. Giving Radical Truths to 13-year-olds is like putting them in a tank in the middle of the city and expecting not to shoot up the whole town.
  • One of the biggest problems of spiritual work is spiritual bypassing. Students must have the right foundation for life before they proceed with serious spiritual work. When you talk about Radical Ideas, you are basically "tempting" your students to meet you where YOU are at, not where THEY are at. Your style/personality of teaching is very persuasive. Teachings are given at the level of the student, not at the level of the teacher. That is the higher love

I think you have to re-evaluate if Youtube is the right platform for you to teach Radical Truths. You have saved 1000 people from committing suicide, but you have to do everything possible to prevent any unnecessary physical harm to others.

Psychedelics are very powerful tools for the Mind. I completely agree with you on this. But you should not advertise as the only tool. Few points on this:

  • Before taking psychedelics, people must do at least a few years of basic spiritual work(meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, breathing, etc) and they should know enough deep metaphysics to recontextualize their psychedelic experience. Saying there is a "magic pill" that will give you the answers to life, the universe, and Everything is immature. For you Leo, it works like a "magic pill" because you tend to forget the years of hard work/suffering that you have put into your work of deconstructing yourself. For those that have not done the WORK, "magic pills" do NOT exist.
  • Connor should teach you that giving psychedelics to an overly developed Ego will lead to psychosis. Connor spent years on YouTube inflating his Ego, and few months doing psychedelics to deconstruct the Ego. He is advertising himself as your student because your students should know what NOT to do. People should not take psychedelics before they are ready to do so. And when they do take psychedelics, they should do it responsibly.

I am immensely grateful to you for all the work you have done and shared with the world.

Much love.


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14 minutes ago, AdeptusPsychonautica said:

No mate, its my ammunition.

That's exactly my point. You are looking for war. And you create it.

It would be wise if you made a distinction between looking for a fight vs seeking genuine understanding.

It's like you are not even interested in considering the possibility that Actualized.org offers people some genuine understanding of life. You just dismiss that possibility from the start because that's boring to you. You want some red meat to throw to the dogs. But as you do this you actually promote egotism and ignorance -- not genuine understanding. And you slander my brand. Then you act surprised when the slandered party calls out what you are doing.

The recent video you recorded about me is filled with so much projection and misunderstand that it would be laughable were it not so slanderous.


Its your bad PR, just like Connor was your bad PR.

Actually no. The bad PR is something you create but take no responsibility for.

I do not control the lives of my viewers. If one of my viewers wants to jump off a bridge, he has that right. And I do not know what he is doing or why. Precisely because this is not a cult. I have very little oversight of people here. It's like herding cats here, not sheep.

If you were an honest actor you would see that.

We have a rather libertarian philosophy here of: as little control over people as we can get away with and still maintain an non-toxic forum.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I thought that the video was about the dangers of misapplying spiritual teaching, which it is as I am currently listening to it. The introduction part was kind of scary, after hearing someone in the forum committed suicide.

Edited by Death_
I forgot was

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7 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

The youtube demographic is mostly 13-year-old kids. Kids are "highly" influenced by someone who is presenting himself as an authoritative figure and they take all your Words for granted.

Actually, no. Maybe it has been true somewhere around 2011, but we live in the year 2021 now. The main demographic is people aged 18-25, and more and more old people starts to watch it. My 70 year old grandpa had been binging 4K travel videos and travel vlogs, sometimes watching old westerns in a language he didn't understand, too. :P 

That's the reality of YT nowadays. Kiddos don't have the patience yet to sit through 2 hours of Leo talking, they are minority on this channel. I bet there's more baby boomers on this forum than 13 year olds.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's like you are not even interested in considering the possibility that Actualized.org offers people some genuine understanding of life. You just dismiss that possibility from the start because that's boring to you. You want some red meat to throw to the dogs. But as you do this you actually promote egotism and ignorance -- not genuine understanding. And you slander my brand. Then you act surprised when the slandered party calls out what you are doing.

That's not true at all mate, I have said many times that I personally have enjoyed and found value in many of your videos, so to frame my criticism as a vendetta against you or this forum is simply false. I have defended you against absurd statements on my own channel, have given kudos to you in conversations with other YouTubers, and I was more than happy to show support in the recent Connor debacle in which I completely sided with you - so lets not muddy the waters here.

Still, if this particular comment from me has hit a sore spot then apologies, that wasn't my intention. I simply saw others within Actualized raise the same concern and thought you might appreciate an outside opinion. 

Edited by AdeptusPsychonautica

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@Leo Gura People have tried to warn you to be careful how you go about your teachings and you and a lot of your followers didn’t take it seriously. I’m not saying this is completely your fault but making your disclaimers so easy to pass up was very careless and probably has caused a lot of problems not just like this. I don’t really have anything to say now that you will adjust your teachings but it does make me angry that you didn’t consider peoples criticisms about your carelessness a long time ago and would just shut them down. Also, adeptus was one of the people that warned you even though it was mostly focused on the cult tendencies you should’ve considered his criticism as well and now you still blow him off even though he was right.

Edited by Derricklast
Wasn’t finished

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