
Is anyone here genuinely interested in developing psychic abilities?

1 post in this topic

Why learn psychic abilities? To me, I just don’t really understand how someone wouldn’t already think this is cool as shit and fun as fuck. That’s enough for me alone when paired with my curiosity for this subject. If you’re already interested, you can skip this paragraph. Siddhis are a distraction... okay. Yes, in many cases they are for Liberation alone. All those people preaching about siddhis being a distraction probably have like 1% or less of human potential realized in this sphere and don’t know what the hell they are talking about imo. You don’t give a shit about truly Liberating yourself if you’re even reading this. Not to the degree in which this distraction mindset around siddhis holds any water at least. As a member of modern society, so much of what you do inevitably is more distracting and further from Liberation than siddhis are. From my experience, it can help quite a bit to grok a God-Realization or No-Self  if your ego has actually been shown through sober direct experience to be capable of literally doing shit mainstream materialism and even mainstream religion or spirituality really don’t think can actually be done in their heart of hearts. I would seem to think the first time Jesus walked on water it probably increased the chance of continuing or growing in God-Realization rather than lowering it. Siddhis are a distraction is a cop out spewed by people who can’t actually do the highest level shit (usually they can’t do anything), have no faith in God or themselves as God, and are probably closet materialists. 


I want to do three things with this thread.

1. Offer my experiences with how I developed clairsentience (my greatest inherent psychic strength) and clairvoyance and claircognizance to lesser degrees. I experienced clairsentience the first time in 1st or 2nd grade. I had no idea what it was, and it was a only momentary glance. You might have already felt the baby stages for this plenty of times and thought it’s a normal feeling when in fact it’s quite rare. 

When I say offer my experiences, this can happen on the forum of course as people show engagement, but if that was my goal I would just post in the other thread I’ve made related to this. This thread is more fishing to see who, if anyone, is willing to get serious in trying to further this psychic development and orienting to the truth of our potential with me. Ideally, this would expand beyond text conversations on forums to be most effective. Only someone who is serious about this is right for that extension. I’m fine to teach all I know and have experienced and help guide based on that for free without much of a limit or cap as long as you are engaged enough with the process of discovery. Ultimately I will be learning quite a lot from the process of working with you, so it’s quite rewarding for me. 

clairsentience - you feel things most others don’t. This is essentially a form of “telepathy” although it’s a transferring of emotions, sensations, and “energies” rather than ideas or images. 

clairvoyance - you see things people don’t (visions of events or seeing different entities) 

claircognizance - you know things beyond what you’ve actually experienced before and have read/learned/etc. Some link this to intuition which is certainly closely related. 

This advice could certainly help someone who is capable to develop other abilities I haven’t. It does seem that most people have a specific gift rather than being equally capable in multiple senses or abilities. Sharing what worked for me to develop clairsentience might open your path to developing clairaudience (hearing messages or getting them in your “mind’s ear”) which I have no ability in whatsoever it seems at least for now. 

2. Speak with others who have experienced psychic abilities or who have other fringe experiences such as sober contact with entities for one example. The purpose of this is for us to grow our abilities and knowledge together. 

3. Answer genuine questions about psychic phenomena for anyone with enough openness to gain from the message. This is great for people who might not care to develop any abilities but are more curious about how things work. 

This isn’t the main focus of my journey in some ways, but it’s becoming increasingly more important to me. I came in seeking Liberation, and I found intermittent tastes of Liberation but also these unexpected abilities. I’ve been shown capabilities of the human system throughout many different experiences (mostly completely sober) that could revolutionize humanity. For example, it is completely possible to give, share, or transmute emotions that people can entirely sense as if it were their own emotion. The implications of this tiny sliver of what is actually possible should not be underestimated. 

If you happened to be rather gifted in this domain and worked hard to develop it, you could literally go into a child cancer ward and transfer the emotional experience had during an awakening to them as a treatment or gift. I can guarantee that this type of thing is real and can be done. I have done smaller scale, less intentional versions of this multiple times. It’s possible I’m overestimating the capability of a single individual with this example, but this is only possible if I’m literally a God-tier clairsentient after only really tapping into it less than 8 months ago with no training other than some minor suggestions from another clairsentient. I’d love to stroke my ego that hard, but even my ego is not confident enough to stoke itself to the beat of that drum lol. I’m sure there are people out there with mastery of this. 

Being in the presence of other psychics amplifies my abilities significantly. This would make the more extreme example given above seem possible right now without further training if I had the most developed clairsentient I’ve met with me. How likely it is to do it that easy? I can’t say. As more competent psychics are added to the endeavor, I see the probability continuing to go up and up. One of the biggest issues with this isn’t having the “strength” of ability to do it, but rather consciously controlling it to your will is quite finicky. It’s like trying to convince a scared cat to let you pet it. Just the right thought catalyst to trigger a useful emotion is needed. Maybe only certain people can receive these transmissions though. Maybe only 1/10 people are prepared to receive. Maybe everyone can. I’m not 100% on details yet. I’m a complete noob at this compared to the potential I’m seeing. Having a decent grasp of this has only come in the past 2-3 months. With less than 8 months of being “activated” and already seeing a ton of growth, I’m positive this can go much further. 

This isn’t easy to develop obviously though, and I’m not sure if it’s realistically accessible to .1% or 99.9% of humans. It could be something that everyone could do with proper training, or it could require some natural talent. I have so far verified about 9 people who experience clairsentience or a version of it in the past 7-8 months of really having these abilities start to come online for me. Only one of them experiences anything close to what I do, and it seems from talking with her mine are still stronger. All of these 9 people were intensely spiritual or religious. I was able to transmute emotions on a couple occasions with seemingly secular strangers which may or may not mean they have an affinity for this. I think those two cases are more pointing to the ability to initiate this type of communication in those without much ability or spiritual training that would bring it out more thus bringing me closer to a “everybody can receive” hypothesis. 

People with high emotional sensitivity (by high I mean it has derailed your life significantly at some point because you were far too sensitive for normal human culture and life) and those labeled with mental illnesses seem to be a bit more likely of developing this stuff to a high degree. Three of the nine people I’ve verified to have a connection to clairsentience clearly fit this description, and I don’t know enough of the others to clearly say yes or no to these criteria being present in them. These three of the nine were more developed than if you averaged out the abilities of all nine. 

Here’s a thread I made with a lot of the back story and further details. You will not be open to everything described. Some part will surely trigger skepticism in you. Just know that everything described happened to me. These are real experiences. My conclusions could be wrong. But the fact remains that I experienced things beyond any notion of possibility I could’ve conceived. 


What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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