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Tim R

Confusing Space w/ Consciousness

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I want to talk about two perspectives and two other very, very important points, which create a lot of problems for many people who feel that they are stuck in these perspectives and they don't know how to get out. If you feel like you have a problem with solipsism, take your time to read this very carefully, it might help you, if you can get a glimpse of what is meant. I address some of the most sneaky and deceptive illusions you can get yourself into and because your mind is blind and biased, you might not know how to get out again. 

The problem I want to talk about is: confusing space with consciousness.


Space is consciousness, but consciousness is not space. This confusion is, next to the confusion of ego, the major contributor to and source of solipsism. 

If you think the whole universe is "the bubble" as Leo likes to call it, you have confused space with consciousness. Notice, that "bubble" is a geometrical/spacial term.

And if you think that you are this bubble or that you are trapped inside this bubble of consciousness, I unfortunately have to inform you, that you don't know what consciousness is. Consciousness is not limited to this unfortunate little confusion. 


Consciousness is not "the bubble". In fact, there is no "bubble" as a spacial thing "in which" the universe occurs. The visual field is infinite. Only because left and right to your visual field there aren't any colors or shapes, it doesn't mean that somehow there the domain of "something" (e.g. the bubble/"universe") has ended. It doesn't end there. It doesn't end at all. 


Also, you are not inside the bubble. Or somehow "behind" the visual field. Or inside the bubble "as" the visual field. You are not limited to the visual field, for two reasons; 

A) because you don't exist as a separate entity 

B) because "inside" can't exist with an "outside"


If you think you are "inside" the bubble and you are the bubble (and nothing but the bubble, as everything that exists) you have fallen prey to and extremely tricky and unbelievably deceptive illusion:

You have projected yourself (ego) onto space, which you have confused with consciousness. You say "there I am", pointing to the bubble. 

But what you don't know is that this is not you. You have merely projected yourself from inside your head onto "the external world" and now call it "inside your head", which is why you feel trapped.

This is a relikt of your prior beliefs that 

A) you are inside your head

B) there is an external world


Consciousness is like space, but it is not space. And if you have ever become conscious of consciousness itself, you know exactly what I mean. But if you think that consciousness is made of colors, sounds, etc., you don't yet know what "it" is. 

Consciousness is not like the rest of appearances which occur "within" consciousness. Also of course, consciousness is not "outside" of itself either. 


Do not confuse direct experience with being true.

Yes, it is the Truth, but it isn't necessarily true.

Because "true" is a state of interpretation. Whereas Truth is not "a state". 


To think that everything you think you experience (and mind you, you often don't even know at all that you think something about something, your mind is completely blind to itself) is true, will lead you into complete and utter disaster. 


When Leo says "direct experience is king", he doesn't mean to take everything you experience for granted and think that it's true. But people think in too simplistic ways and therefore fall into the trap of believing everything they think they experience and don't even see that it's just their thoughts. 

Edited by Tim R

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I've always wondered if things outside of space exist as a singular point, or just randomly dotted around in nothingness. If they exist as a single point the implications are profound, since division is impossible within a point.

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What is important to say is that each bubble is a perspective of God. God’s perspective is still a bubble, just the bubble of Absolute Infinity. Bubble is a metaphor for the totality of one’s perceived experience.

no. You are not your bubble. You are God. The consciousness that birthed it all.

A Call to Live Differently:

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