
Imagination And Creativity

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Ever since I was a young lad, I had issues with creativity and imagination. I think I was born with writer's block or something (metaphorically speaking). Things don't pop into my head and if it is, it's something I've already seen before. I wonder if there's mental blockage in play, how that would manifest itself and what to do about it. I would like to write, draw, all that stuff. I just never had any success with it. Even in primary school where you could just make whatever, I'd just completely shutdown, throw things around, I think I've also punched a few people (good thing I'm not under oath). Things just wouldn't come to mind or I'd be frozen up while actually having an idea. This seeming handicap is one of the major sources of my unhappiness with myself and I really just wanna get this right.

Just progress.

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Do you have writer's block ? Or do you believe, that you have writer's block ?

You probably have a reason in the past, that made you afraid or "doing things" because of the reptilian brain.

Leo talks about zone of genius, that push you out of your comfort zone.

Try with little simple exercises, then bigger ones (aim for small goals first).

Also, meditation practice.

Edited by Soulbass

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1 minute ago, Soulbass said:

Do you have writer's block ? Or do you believe, that you have writer's block ?

I'm not exactly sure. I just look at my previous experiences and see that I have severe difficulty coming up with things. Same thing at the moment actually.


2 minutes ago, Soulbass said:

Why, and from what does it prevent you ?

I believe it's childhood. Seeing everyone else being able to do something you can't does things to you, especially when most people dislike you and all you have is your knowledge of math and spelling and whatnot. I didn't like socializing or playing on the playground during recess either because I wasn't good at it. Kids were just loud, doing nothing, while seeing themselves as superiour to me.

Just progress.

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I think a sense of direction is very important. I'm a fine musician myself but I'm awful at drawing for instance. Maybe try looking for things that really resonate with you and find out if you still experience this block. Being good at something takes a lot of time. Time which you will only put into if you think that it's worth it anyway. And it's only worth it if you really love what you're doing. Try and find your life purpose. 

45 minutes ago, DimmedBulb said:

Things don't pop into my head and if it is, it's something I've already seen before.

One thing to realise, is that mind is all memory. Everything you imagine you have already seen before. A lot of artists won't admit this, but it's all about taking a spin with these older concepts and creating something new out of it. 

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10 minutes ago, Soulbass said:

Did you watched this one ?


I did, but it went to the back of my mind. Thanks for the reminder.

Just progress.

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Well, the life purpose course talks about all that things, limited beliefs and so on...

In childhood, we don't think about "creative blocks" it doesn't exist.

Find a way, to create your own "bubble", and don't look over the internet what other people are doing.

Edited by Soulbass

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8 minutes ago, Soulbass said:

When we are childs, we don't think about "creative blocks", it wouldn't makes sense.

I mean, calling it a creative block and experiencing it are two different things obviously. I experienced it long before I even knew what it was. For example, if we had to do something like creative writing, you know, write ten lines about X, I'd be staring at a blank page for two hours and run away in hysteria when it became too much. Classmates and teachers would suffer injuries sometimes. So it's been there for as long as I can remember. The name for it only came way later and I honestly don't cling too much to it.

Edited by DimmedBulb

Just progress.

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@John Flores Time to go back to doing morning pages, I guess :P


Stuff like this gets me going emotionally. There's just something about it. Maybe it's the mood (floaty, yet dark) it sets or the harmonies it uses or whatever. I don't get it a lot, especially with media other than music.



This is my favourite painting. Then this same painter went on to bring a urinal to be displayed at an exposition. Dadaism, you work in fascinating ways :P


This may be a start to something. At least I know these two things speak to me in some way.

Just progress.

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@DimmedBulb You can train your creativity. Start with doing every day tasks in a different way. Like brush your teeth with your left hand if you're right handed. Or keep the brush fixed in one place and move your head. Practise writing your name with non dominant hand. Write from right to left. Walk backwards. Just break your normal patterns and do silly stuff :D

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Creativity and imagination have been responsible for my greatest breakthroughs! By creating a mental vision, I transitioned into creating a strategy and to taking action. I focus on appealing to people's authenticity and creating flow states for them! It angers me when people shoot down creativity because creativity is CRUCIAL for self-actualization. I refuse to give up creativity and imagination because I see freedom as my top value and I refuse to have my spirit crushed. Intuition is creativity and if your intuition rots away when unused, you die earlier! I've been focusing on making intuition, creativity, and imagination, my life purpose and my values as my drive rather than another person or a clique or a cause or being loyal to a country or a leader! I've been focusing heavily on expressing myself authentically and unapologetically and it has high and amazing yields. It's resulted in me getting cast for a dream part in Rocky Horror, making new friends who share my passions, getting attention from actors as their favorite audience member, initiating physical intimacy, and personal intimacy and cheering people up. I'm focusing on cutting through bullshit and being unapologetically authentic BUT NOT blatantly offensive!! I can get overly-consumed by characters that I do so many imitations at once and it can be very awkward but i think it's a sign of my identity crisis and focusing on freeing myself from a quarter life crisis! 

Edited by Zane

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@David1 Mindfulness ahoy!


@Zane Your enthusiasm for this just shows me that I really need to work on this. I really desire having creativity, which brings problems, but I'll figure it out.

Just progress.

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Did you tried to drink a beer or two (to lower the brain hz) then write/whatever you want ?

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@Soulbass Never tried that, but alcohol generally does good things for me. Makes me act and feel normal.

Just progress.

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@DimmedBulb Mastery needs to carefully and diligently cultivated over decades to become a successful creative.

Creativity isn't something that just happens.

You need to devote your entire life to it, and work on it from morning till night.

Technical skills need to be honed with 1000s of hours of meticulous practice.

That's why having a life purpose is absolutely essential. It's what I found I needed to be successful creatively. Not really possible otherwise. You cannot become a creative genius on a whim. You have to REALLY work at it. This is the case with any big-name creative genius you've heard of or admire.

Most people fail at this because they cannot properly motivate themselves to conquer the mastery learning curve. Especially these days, with all the comforts and distractions of 21st century Western lifestyles.

But being successful creatively feels AMAZING! Better than an orgasm.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@DimmedBulb Mastery needs to carefully and diligently cultivated over decades to become a successful creative.

Creativity isn't something that just happens.

You need to devote your entire life to it, and work on it from morning till night.

Technical skills need to be honed with 1000s of hours of meticulous practice.

That's why having a life purpose is absolutely essential. It's what I found I needed to be successful creatively. Not really possible otherwise. You cannot become a creative genius on a whim. You have to REALLY work at it. This is the case with any big-name creative genius you've heard of or admire.

Most people fail at this because they cannot properly motivate themselves to conquer the mastery learning curve. Especially these days, with all the comforts and distractions of 21st century Western lifestyles.

But being successful creatively feels AMAZING! Better than an orgasm.

Leo, I'm striving for that amazing creativity better than an orgasm! Can you describe how a creative episode feels? Why is it better than an orgasm? Recently, i wrote a couple of Modernist style poems and I read one of the poems to an audience and it was great making my whole poetry class laugh uproariously. 

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@Zane If you're a creative person, you should know intimately the joys of creative fervor, and sharing your labor of love with the world.

It's hard to put into words.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Zane If you're a creative person, you should know intimately the joys of creative fervor, and sharing your labor of love with the world.

It's hard to put into words.

I've been doing creative writing for years as my medium and I'm focusing on creating flow states that feel better than orgasms! I've had moments where I've produced a large quantity of stories! When I start drafting my ideas, it can feel chaotic and disorganized! I've been a creative writer off and on for about a decade and I feel like my purpose originated in childhood. My deepest desire is to go back to the time where creating stories was fun and to create that inner creative feeling where creativity just flows effortlessly! I'm learning how to work through the blocks and a great strategy is going back to basics to discover the genesis of creativity. I like to observe plays, and movies and stories to re-capture that inspiration! Creativity and freedom are my two highest values and I feel like i'm getting deeper to my purpose. I want to focus on creating flow states where creativity feels better than sex! I was asking about your own creative experiences and how they feel from your perspective because I love learning from fellow creatives! 

Edited by Zane

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The word success to me at this point basically means getting anything done and liking it. I'm slowly crawling out of depression and I really just wanna be okay with life if anything. The idea of becoming amazing at something was what got me depressed in the first place. Went completely neurotic over it. I'm honestly scared of it. So I have a "low bar", which kind of makes me think I don't belong here.

Edited by DimmedBulb

Just progress.

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1 hour ago, John Flores said:

@DimmedBulb You do belong here because if you didn't, you wouldn't be here

Idk. I'm just so low consciousness. All talk, no walk.

Just progress.

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