
Chiropractor mostly quackery?

13 posts in this topic

I was having trouble with my back, neck and shoulders and decided to visit a chiropractor, thinking I would be bent in all shapes and have my back cracked to relieve me of my aches and pains.  

But no, she did some weird movements, pressed on my face and lifted my legs up and I felt nothing. 

This was supposed to realign my body and then a test would be done to see if the procedure had stuck.  She said this has to be done repeatedly until the test comes out ‘positive’ (I remain in Alignment) 

Took about 15 minutes and cost 70€.  

I gave it a chance and went back a few times where she did the same procedure, and each time the test was ‘negative’  (still misaligned) 

I kept asking for advice on my posture and how I should stand etc but she would tell me ‘this isn’t important yet, first we must get you in alignment’  

After 5 times of doing this procedure I didn’t get any relief so I decided not to go back.  

Is this just mostly quackery? 



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@intotheblack I'd bet it's quackery, but quackery can be effective because of placebo so it could work but it looks like it isn't working for you.

I think a lot of this stuff is nonsense but it can work for some people.

When it comes to body aches and posture etc I think the approach to healing these issues is completely misguided. The body holds a ton of stress and contracts when a person is out of alignment with their emotions and higher self, and so you end up with a ton of pain and issues, like posture etc, which are a symptom of a bigger problem but most people are just attacking the symptoms.

I had a few LSD trips that really opened eyes to this topic. When I was able to relax and just relax into myself I was able to release a lot of tensions and resistances. I ended up completely changing how I felt in my body after certain transformations in my perception occurred. I had never felt so good in my own body, like how flexible I felt, how my body felt etc. I also felt certain tensions that were buried even deeper that I didn't even know existed. It was an interesting experience.

My main point is most chiropractors have no sense of the phenomena i described above and so they are kinda shooting in the dark in their approach to healing. But this goes for a lot of other healing modalities as well but I won't get too far off topic

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It can relieve pain for some people, it really depends on you and what you have going on. It relieved pain slightly? maybe? in my hips and low back but increased the pain in my neck.  I went to a massage therapist who does myofascial release and that worked 100 times better for me. I was shocked at how effective it was especially for the neck issues, without the violent snaps. 

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It's not quackery if you find a good chiro.

If you don't trust your chiro look for a better one (who will of course charge more).

But also, it's more art than science, so don't expect a guaranteed result. Sometimes it won't work.

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Try some Qigong. That is how I fixed up my lower back.

I have heard from a number of people now that Chiropractic is bs. But, same people have benefitted from Qigong. 

Edited by Thought Art

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Haha mostly. Get a good massage & accupuncture instead.
Rapid movements rarely heal anything. The knickknack fast twisting is dangerous. How can a chiro know your biomechanic? Because he read a textbook2? lol. 

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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My health insurance covers it so I just go every 2 weeks although it does not really help me with my back problems. I found another one and he is a little better. There are minor improvements.  It is not a magic pill. 

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Chiropractics is a partial part of healing the body’s physical structure.

You can manipulate the hard tissue (bones) all you want but it’s the soft tissue (muscles, fascia, ligaments, tendons) that determine the geometry of the skeleton itself.

So getting an adjustment without addressing the soft tissue is asking for a temporary fix. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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@intotheblack I've seen a chiropractor on/off for 14 yrs and I can say I've not had my face touched or my legs in the air. 

Years ago, I fell backwards, hit the back of my head on the pavement and knocked a vertebrae out of alignment in my neck which has caused problems ever since.  I also get low back pain, because once they mess with your neck enough it can then effect the alignment in your back.

I have mainly seen one chiropractor, but he employs other chiropractors too and in a pinch I've seen several others over the years.

Again, none of them have touched my face or put my legs in the air, lol.?

I loveeee chiropractors, if it weren't for them I would've probably needed surgery. Ohh, almost forgot, my son was dx with scoliosis of his back at about 12 yo by his school and the chiropractor over a course of regular treatments was able to mostly correct it and kept him from having to wear a back brace. 

My advice, see another chiropractor! Any reputable chiro will require you to have x-rays prior to them doing an adjustment on you. Just sayin'

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It is not a hoax if the chiro is not one.

Most chiros just want to make money and do nothing or less to charge the most out of you.

If you find a good one, then it will be worth it, it's rare though.

It's typical medical business actually. It's across the board with doctors too. I don't know how this isn't clear to everyone still.

Edited by Windappreciator

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For chronic pain and other ailments like Fibromyalgia, "chronic lyme" and other hard to pinpoint disorders, try reading the book "Healing Back Pain: The Mind Body Connection" because a lot of chronic pain is actually caused by buried emotions and stress and can be relieved by prolonged mindfulness or Leo's "do nothing" meditation, or use a physical therapist.  That book specifically addresses "disc bulges" and the pain related to them though it can be applied to the  neck and shoulders or any pain.  I still do spinal decompression exercises though even though I read the book just to cover my bases. Plus maintaining good posture helps with the overall self mastery process for me.. a reminder to stick to new habits.

I don't have a lot of faith in most chiros, especially when they bring up "subluxations" as a need for continued treatment. They can be good, but so can a physical therapist.  If you have disc bulges, back cracking won't do anything. In fact aggressive yoga can just make things worse.. be careful with yoga if you do it, get a good trainer that knows how to prevent injury and which things to avoid.

Edited by sholomar

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Update:  I found a man who specialises in trigger point massage.  Was amazing. I have so many painful trigger points in my neck and shoulders, and knots in the back of my head, and this is where all my tension is getting trapped.  I will continue with him every 2 weeks. 

On 20/05/2021 at 1:59 PM, Thought Art said:

Try some Qigong. That is how I fixed up my lower back

The masseuse also told me that I should do Qigong so I have started with some YouTube videos to get into it, then I will see if I can find a studio. 

I found this nice little old lady


Edited by intotheblack



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If you have trouble with your lower back - do reverse hypers on the reverse hyper machine. But you've got to find a gym that has it 

Train your neck (Alphadestiny on YouTube has good excersises). Making your neck more muscular helps A LOT.

Train your rear delts. And learn pectoral stretches from athlean x (YT).

This saved my shoulders, lower back & neck after years of bad decisions :) .

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