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Maproad to go from beta to Alpha

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Is there any good high Conscious resources (don't want to fall into red pill/stage red ideology) when starting the path to go from being insecure and not confident to secure and confident?

Music to listen, books to read, activities to do, meditations/mantras to repeat, actions to do.

By now I'm planning;

1. - eat more and build muscle (habits)

2. - start doing pick up and dating seriously (actions)

3 - be less in my head and feel more and be honest when I feeling I'm being dominated like a beta instead of projecting guilt to other people  (meditations)


Fear is just a thought

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First I would say forget this childish theories about beta and alpha and then if you do al lot of cold approaches  (as I red in another post of you) you will become more self confident.

I did lots of cold approaches by myself, that's how I know.

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There's no such thing as a beta or alpha. Forget you ever heard the terms.

The terms originate from the BDSM community as a consensual ad-hominem to practice consensual humiliation / rejection as a theatrical demonstration of (mostly) female assertiveness. It was built on the premise that the sum of all fears for men (of a woman) was humiliation / rejection, whereas the sum of all fears for women (of a man) is violence / sexual violence.

Sure, there was a vaguely pseudo-scientific backstory of the terms having something to do with the mating habits of wolves, but for the most part it is total horse-shit (and consensual theatre).

It was only really when fickle BDSM guilt-trippers carried their post-orgasmic shame into the real world when these kinds of terms started to enter the mainstream (non-BDSM) lexicon, and thereafter became non-consensual ad-hominems.

This is especially wielded by genuinely insecure so-called alpha males who are most guilty of propagating the term non-consensually as a means to top-up their investment in their personal identity as a physical dominant. You can tell who these people are: They go straight to the gym, straight to the weightlifting equipment, and very rarely touch the cardio-vascular equipment.

Do not fall into this trap.

In the mind of the insecure alpha:-

1. Sex is good.

2. Physical dominance equal sex.

3. Therefore I must be physically dominant.

This kind of masculinity is literally called animalistic masculinity, and logically cannot be anything other than regressive.

The human experience can be thought of as a temporal spiritual adolescence, with the Kingdom of Animals on the one side, and a nameless new archetype on the other - the best phrase that does it justice is Kingdom of Angels. Just as teenage adolescence is a temporal experience with the experience of being a child on the one side and the experience of being an adult on the other, inevitably all children turn into adults and so too do all animals turn into angels. The problem is that during this state of spiritual adolescence it is a very confusing period (as with teenage adolescence), and some people are at different stages than others.

As we slowly move into the post-human experience, the difference between the two genders starts to collapse into meaninglessness, which can often be confusing and frustrating especially if the animalistic side of you still is seeking sex. Which therefore begs the question: What do you actually want here?

If it's just sex then just buy it.

If it's a meaningful connection with someone meaningful, then you're not going to find it using the methods you outlined.

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@cookiemonster thanks thats a brilliant description of the terms. I never liked the terms anyway But i thought It was practical for the topic

Fear is just a thought

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Step 1 : Stop using the terms Alpha and Beta

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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It should rather be how to go from alpha to beta?


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 20/5/2021 at 5:30 PM, Preety_India said:

It should rather be how to go from alpha to beta?


I know you want to be able to control alpha-men, turn them into passive and weak betas but men don't want to be controlled!

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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Just now, Parththakkar12 said:

I know you want to be able to control alpha-men, turn them into passive and weak betas but men don't want to be controlled!

It's not about control. You took it completely the wrong way.

Here I'm thinking that going from alpha to beta means being less aggressive and more understanding. 

Does that make sense?


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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4 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

It's not about control. You took it completely the wrong way.

Tell me then, why else would you want to disempower men?

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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32 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

Tell me then, why else would you want to disempower men?

Already gave you the explaination above which you ignored. I don't call it disempowerment but you wish to word it that way. I call it integration of different traits that help in relationships. I don't consider beta male as less powerful. That would be very stereotypical and biased way of looking at it. Betas are just as capable as alpha, sometimes even more.

I see beta as an evolved version of alpha, I see alpha as core basic masculinity and beta as advanced more nuanced integrated masculinity. One is basic survival and the other as survival+thriving+understanding.


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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9 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

Tell me then, why else would you want to disempower men?

Another way of putting it imo is this.

Alpha to me is more stage Orange.. think Trump or a version of Trump and beta is more stage Green. Think Obama..

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Just now, Peter Miklis said:

@Preety_India Don't use words beta and alpha then. Beta, by the definition is NOT better version of alpha. You are really making it sound like being weak is better than being strong.

That's where the problem lies. My way of looking at it is different. I don't perceive it as weak and strong. I perceive it as nuanced/understanding versus hardcore aggressive dogmatic.

Beta tend to create a bridge.Alpha tend to Create a wall.

For example if I imagine an Alpha father around a child, they will be very restrictive and punishing. Whereas a beta father will be more accomodating of the child's needs.and freedom giving.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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27 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Already gave you the explain above which you ignored. I don't call it disempowerment but you wish to word it that way. I call it integration of different traits that help in relationships. I don't consider beta male as less powerful. That would be very stereotypical and biased way of looking at it. Betas are just as capable as alpha, sometimes even more.

I see beta as an evolved version of alpha, I see alpha as core basic masculinity and beta as advanced more nuanced integrated masculinity. One is basic survival and the other as survival+thriving+understanding.


Kay fine, if you want to change the popular definitions of the terms. You could change them, but I'd suggest you stick to the popular definitions. That'll be more linguistically understandable.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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Just now, Parththakkar12 said:

Kay fine, if you want to change the popular definitions of the terms. You could change them, but I'd suggest you stick to the popular definitions. That'll be more linguistically understandable.

Different folks, different strokes.

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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For being less in your head. I'd recommend

  • Body scan meditation (like in this Video).
  • Integrating Emotions and elevating your Emotional State.
  • Focus on light thoughts, having fun.
  • Lower your chin and feel deep into your body. Be present.
  • Really feel into the other person while talking to them.
  • LSD or mushrooms.
  • Push through tension. Gradually increasing your comfort zone.
  • Enjoy and feel the moment.
  • Ask yourself "Can I just be?"

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To be alpha is simply to not try to be alpha. Having less need and less self consciousness.

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