
Is purpose an egoic trap?

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I have been grappling with the idea of purpose and I am getting ideas that "finding a purpose" is an illusion of ego that prevents consciousness from realizing it's own source. Through inquiry, I find my motivation to find an external purpose in the world is driven by indoctrination from society since an early age. So many people say "find your purpose in life" and they use that as a compass without realizing that anything or nothing can be their purpose because it is all an attachment of the mind that we create for our ego to identify with. And the worst part is that this attachment to believing that what we are doing is our purpose is all out of avoiding looking into the abyss of darkness of who we really are. 

So where does that lead me?

life may or may not have inherent purpose which I cant find direct experience of but I am leaving it open to question due to my own ignorance of not knowing what i don't know, but creating such purpose serves ego by perpetuating it's own existence and prohibits us from looking in.


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What you dream about? 

What you want to create?

Wanna sit in cave or be like Ramana in diapers looking at cow? 

Respect your life. 

Edited by Zeroguy

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Most purpose is about surviving the world. Eating, sleeping, sex, being with people and so on. It's good to recognise that nearly all purposes you can come up with are about survival. Survival is not optional, but you can make it simple or complicated.  If you want fast cars and women as a purpose, then go for it, but recognise it's still survival. If you want to sit and think in a cave, then go for it, survival. Survival is a good reason to have a purpose, forget ego.

Having a life purpose is just a way to survive that aligns strongly with your values, i.e. it's authentic. The inherent purpose in most things, is to stay alive and to thrive, there's no shame in it.

57% paranoid

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On 5/19/2021 at 7:42 PM, tommysalerno said:

I have been grappling with the idea of purpose and I am getting ideas that "finding a purpose" is an illusion of ego that prevents consciousness from realizing it's own source. Through inquiry, I find my motivation to find an external purpose in the world is driven by indoctrination from society since an early age. So many people say "find your purpose in life" and they use that as a compass without realizing that anything or nothing can be their purpose because it is all an attachment of the mind that we create for our ego to identify with. And the worst part is that this attachment to believing that what we are doing is our purpose is all out of avoiding looking into the abyss of darkness of who we really are. 

So where does that lead me?

life may or may not have inherent purpose which I cant find direct experience of but I am leaving it open to question due to my own ignorance of not knowing what i don't know, but creating such purpose serves ego by perpetuating it's own existence and prohibits us from looking in.


I understand what you're saying. The most noble act in life, is to discover Truth, who you really are, be true to yourself and all around you, and in doing so, your higher purpose will come. The journey is indeed to face ourselves. But we do this in everyday lives. The victory over our struggles shows us our strength, not reacting to bullshit in anger is also strength, patience and humility. There is no ego, its all just Truth. Ego can be smashed in an instant by the one who you percieve to be richer, smarter, in better shape, etc. It's an illusion.

The game/test of life is to experience it, as we are spiritual beings having a human experience, to just be, to learn to detach from the illusion and teach others to do so. It doesnt mean we run to the mountains, it means we face life and our karma head on, staying grounded in the truth of who we are, be good and teach others to be good. Don't lie, do good to others, dont react in anger, greed, envy, jealousy, ego, attachment, etc, which are shackles which keep you in the illusion/ ego. The great Guru (Truth Teacher) Nanak called them the five theives and he taught people to live free from the bullshit. Enjoy your life but live free.  

Edited by sat11

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On 5/19/2021 at 2:42 PM, tommysalerno said:

I have been grappling with the idea of purpose and I am getting ideas that "finding a purpose" is an illusion of ego that prevents consciousness from realizing it's own source.

You're treating "ego" as though it is something real.

"Ego" is not real. It was never there.

Don't believe me? Go find it and behold it. Disclaimer: You can't. I'm basically asking you to eat the food you see in a cooking video by reaching into the pixels on your screen.

Once you deeply understand this - that "ego" was never even there to begin with - you will see that "ego" is incapable of "preventing consciousness" because consciousness Is, and ego is not!

Now don't get me wrong - from the POV of a seemingly limited ego-identity, maybe it really does feel like "preventing consciousness" is happening. But I'm suggesting that even that is an illusion!

So don't let an illusion derail Life Purpose for you!

On 5/19/2021 at 2:42 PM, tommysalerno said:

And the worst part is that this attachment to believing that what we are doing is our purpose is all out of avoiding looking into the abyss of darkness of who we really are. 

This is definitely a possible trap.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Conscious Life Purpose is possible!

On 5/19/2021 at 2:42 PM, tommysalerno said:

life may or may not have inherent purpose

From the human POV - any assertion of "inherent purpose" is necessarily false because human meaning-making is a fabrication at the highest levels. Maybe from God's POV though, there IS an Inherent Purpose - but you won't be able to make sense of it so long as you identify with being human.

On 5/19/2021 at 2:42 PM, tommysalerno said:

but creating such purpose serves ego by perpetuating it's own existence and prohibits us from looking in.

From the human POV - all purpose is indeed "created," manufactured, fabricated, arbitrary.

But nothing stops you from deeply looking inward and being self-honest and open to your True Nature while simultaneously fabricating an arbitrary and meaningful Life Purpose!

Edited by RendHeaven

It's Love.

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Sure it can be a distraction, like owning a yacht, a big house and having a great relationship and social life. Do they help you on your spiritual path? Probably not - but they can make your life much easier. Same is true for having a strong purpose times 10.

You could also center your purpose around deepening your consciousness.

If you are very strict about it, every thing is a distraction. Even this forum.

But there are far worse. Drugs, sex, fame and money to name the big ones.

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Have you seen the movie Soul? It's basically about this topic. Amazing film (don't overlook it just because it's animated).


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@tuckerwphotography I watched the movie and it really got a lot of insights! and will be watching it again! Thank you so much for recommending this movie

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