Muhammad Jawad

Soonhei (Member of this community) killed himself to experience Conscious Death. :-(

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Hello Everyone!

I am feeling really sad to share this news that Our Brother, Our Friend "Soonhei" (Member of this community) killed himself to experience the conscious death.

SoonHei was my best and only friend. :-(

He was very happy and have no issues in his life. These days he was contemplating death and dreams a lot and ultimately he decided to try conscious death and killed himself by jumping off from the Bridge in Canada by 3rd May 2021.

Before killing himself he was talking to me on WhatsApp and he was really happy and laughing on different matters as well.

SoonHei & Me had a long discussion about conscious death, the afterlife, and lucid dreaming the day he committed suicide. 

Few minutes before he jumped from the bridge to commit suicide he sent me the following message:

"I leave you my dream.
You already know, meet you in the beyond."

We can not imagine or understand how and why he can take that kind of decision. He left his family behind including a wife, and 2 little cute kids.

May God grant him the success he was trying to achieve :-(

According to me, it's the wrong decision he took.

What do you think? Does Committing suicide have any link with spirituality? 

Is this possible to liberate oneself from the cycle of birth and death ultimately and merge into consciousness by committing suicide after gaining enlightenment?

Waiting for other's views.




Screenshot 2021-05-19 171654.png

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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This is sad news indeed, sorry to hear and also remember that you have many friends on this forum! Spiritual work is a dangerous game, but so is life, there are no guarantees for anything. Many people who begin their journey are dealing with depression, depersonalisation disorders etc... That being said, talk of death/consciousness and the spiritual journey is a very delicate subject, because although it is the understanding of many that death is only an illusion, never personally experienced, I would promote compassion to all in their journey to overcome suffering. While you may be eager to "see what happens after you die", remember that all actions carry with them consequences, "cosmic karma" lets call it. Lets say you prove death illusory through a suicide, remember that the action still carries with it cosmic consequences as you ultimately put your direct experience above that of others who will suffer in your wake. I do not wish to blame anyone. I wish peace to Soonhei's soul and hope that he does not suffer, and I wish peace as well to those he has left behind. Time heals all wounds as we work for a better world. 

Edited by CBDinfused

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@Muhammad Jawad I'm so sorry for you loss man.. This is shocking to read... May he rest in peace?

3 minutes ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

Does Committing suicide have any link with spirituality? 

This is a very tricky question, especially in this context of his death. Suicide, i.e. killing the body assumes identification with the body. But if I know that I am not the body, then killing the body is unnecessary. Spirituality is supposed to make you see that you are not limited to the body. 

9 minutes ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

Is this possible to liberate oneself from the cycle of birth and death ultimately and merge into consciousness by committing suicide after gaining enlightenment?

"Is it possible to liberate myself from death by killing myself?"

I think you see the futility in that. 

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10 minutes ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

He was very happy and have no issues in his life.

He left his family behind including a wife, and 2 little cute kids.

This does not match for me.

I hope at least his wife understood his choice and was fine with it, cause even for you who understand his choice it must be very hard :(

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47 minutes ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

he decided to try conscious death

A) Are you sure this is true? How do you know he jumped off a bridge?

B) I don't understand what jumping off a bridge has to do with spiritual work. Did he tell you what his logic was?

C) Did he say if he had a history of mental illness?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Wtf. Sad to hear...

There is a strange logic which could take hold if a person 100% believes in this idea. Sort of like how you might expect a Christian to kill themselves because they believe a paradise infinitely better than this awaits.

Some followers of Islam in fact DO do that.

The thing is that we cannot know definitively that we are right. I can prove nonduality is more logical than materialism, but not that it is right.

There is also no reason to die: In nonduality it is an inescapable infinite existence. So dying would do nothing at all. A person cannot experience a conscious death as that would require their self to still exist and be around. Consciousness may be infinite and eternal but a person will not have an "experience" of death. The self will only experience the final moment of its life.

It ought to be made clear to prevent anything more like this. All we all have is a belief, at the end of the day.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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No way man! I cannot believe it...

What a shock..

He was such a beautiful soul.

Love ya my man! May you rest in eternal peace. 

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I am sorry for your and our loss ?

Rest In Peace

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Now I'm just pissed af!

There is something seriously wrong with how all this stuff is being thought. All this death talk does way more harm than good to people.

God... I just wanna punch some guru in his face right now. With a chair.


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Is this the beginnig of people blaming Leo of how dangerous his teachings are?

Sorry for the loss to the family and friends.

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We have all read that guy and it is obvious that he is not someone who was influenced by any guru. pretty smart. I guess there would be depression behind all this, nothing to do with spirituality. I feel sorry for his wife, children and friends

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I am so sorry for your loss.

I wish all the best to his wife and kids.

May he rest in peace??...

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(If I might) not a wrong ‘how’. and of itself is inherently, as in feel for oneself now, check ‘direct experience’, intuitively, ‘off’. Or, being already is thought, and thus can not be thunk.



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 this is extremely sad to hear..he was a beloved member of this community.  My thoughts and prayers go out to his family 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:


(If I might) not a wrong ‘how’. and of itself is inherently, as in feel for oneself now, check ‘direct experience’, intuitively, ‘off’. Or, being already is thought, and thus can not be thunk.

That's probably pissing him off more, don't do that :ph34r:

9 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

Is this the beginnig of people blaming Leo of how dangerous his teachings are?

Sorry for the loss to the family and friends.

That would be funny, cause Leo always have said that physical death is a big mistake, and that you can simply realize what's true, which is equal to it (without killing yourself and making others sentient being sad).

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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@Nahm Just felt like expressing how I felt.

Obviously; there is no one to be blamed.. But still. I think there is much 'wrong' with how things are being presented. This is not the first time I'm saying that.


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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

I think there is much 'wrong' with how things are being presented

@ivankiss What exactly do you mean? 


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