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Tim R

When Love goes Full-Circle

3 posts in this topic

In the beginning there was Love. And then Love forgot, and then it remembered;

Utterly embracing itself, there is no "outside" to Love. Because there is perfection, there are no reasons. No reasons is the same as birth of illusion! Illusion is pretending, but since it is pretending, nothing ever happened.

nothing - ever - happened

Love - Eternity - "Illusion"

So, the birth of illusion and the illusion of birth are identical - this is what happened, when Love (you! this!) went full circle. Only, remember: there are no illusions, not really:D this is the nature of illusion - to be Truth!, not to be true.

In an act of total, eternal self-abandonment, it forgot. Forgot itself. You forgot! Forgot yourself. But to forget is not to seize!! Only of course, it seems to be so^_^

When you were a child and played being someone else, you had to forget who you are. And because you loved playing, you really did it. So you forgot. But you still were who you were, only in disguise.

Love forgetting itself, turns into "I".

The true I forgot, because I am Love and I am selflessness - so, to be selfless(ness) when at the same time you are Love means to forget yourself! You must forget! That's who you are!! you are the You, who forgot who You isxD

And then, when you have forgotten... Time to go back. Because there is no forgetting without remembering. Don't forget, you are still Love, so you will remember, you will "become" whole once again. You remember that you were all along.

And you can re-member, because you only pretended to be dis-membered

To forget and to remember is a duality. There is only remembrance and nothing to be remembered, because nothing was ever lost. 

And so it goes, on and on and on and on, eternally. Of course it does, because something that was only an illusion, never happened (isn't true), but it is Truth. 

You are who you are, because you are Love. 

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