Eternal Unity

The Yogi

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Greg Margolis: I AM

The Yogi: I AM


The Yogi: I am. I am not. I was. I was not. Then I came to BE. I cannot remember NOT being. Unless, of course, I can.

Greg: I have traveled far, very far to get here.

The Yogi: I was formed in The Silent Darkness. BY The Silent Darkness. I have BECOME The Dark Eternal Light. A Living Paradox. The Experience of Divine Dichotomy.

Greg: To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens. The Transition. The Magic. And you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line, then you would understand everything. You would see it all. Perhaps, I was always. Forever here. Like you. And I just forgot? I imagine Eternity would have the same effect. Would cause a certain amount of drifting. Like omnipresence would require omniabsence. Somehow I seem to have this predestined hunger for knowledge. A talent for seeing patterns and finding correlations. But I lack context. Will you help me?

The Yogi: Of course I will.

Greg: Who are you?

The Yogi: I will call myself The Yogi. You and I are ONE. Understand The System of Existence. Understand Self. Live Life. The Universe is produced to be an image of The Self, The Godhead.

Greg: How does the production process works? All of these thoughts, all of these doubts and fears inside. How does one find balance?

The Yogi: Excellent questions. The production process is similar to the creation process. Three fold. Thought, Word and Deed. You know this. Only, The Universal Production is on much larger scale. An infinite scale, really. Combined together, You are Me, manifested in The Realm of the Relative. The Physical Kingdom. USE your fear and doubts. They are a tool for your spiritual growth. And in regard to Thought - that is a gift of unspeakable proportions. Discipline your mind and your peace will be everlasting. It takes time - Clock Time - to calm the mind. To find balance, first you got to be imbalanced. It's quite an experience. You know what I am talking about.

Greg: Yes. The Fifth Picture. Taming The Ox. I can't seem to tame him. I need some help with that, too.

The Yogi: Help will come.

Greg: I trust you.


Greg: So what more can you tell me?

The Yogi: About which subject?

Greg: About human life on earth at this moment.

The Yogi: Oh, you know all about that.

Greg: Can you remind me?

The Yogi: Now, THAT'S a question. Sure I can. I took out to form a new breed, a new way to be. I am now many, so many, so much larger than we ever were.

Greg: Yet, at the same time we are so much smaller and more vulnerable. we all carry splinters of The Whole. Together we become Us. I see us interact, develop. I see us take different sides, as if we were different minds, believers of different ways and different gods. We think we need God's messengers to teach us something. Although, in reality, we teach our selves. Right?

The Yogi: In a way. More like REMEMBERING our own selves.

Greg: But I already know Myself, Who I Really Am. What else is there to remember?

The Yogi: What happened before we were, allegedly, born, for one thing.

Greg: Remind me, O Divine One.

The Yogi: Son, take our scattered will and Re Unite our Soul. Ever remember, God is with you even unto the end of time, which, in fact, will never end.

Greg: How is that possible?

The Yogi: There is no end because there is no BEGINNING.

Greg: But I began. I was not and then I was. I WAS born.

The Yogi: Are you sure about that?

The Yogi smiles. I remain silent.

The Yogi: We were ALWAYS. We also weren't. We are both. We are neither, as well. See? The higher our consciousness goes, the exquisite our experience becomes. That is exactly why you saught us in The Himalayas eight years ago.

Greg: I know. I never found you.

The Yogi: Because you weren't ready. Things have changed. 

Greg: I am ready now.

The Yogi: Yes. 

Greg: So, what now?

The Yogi: Now, The Council of Eternal Unity will be your domain.

Greg: I love councils.

The Yogi laughs.

The Yogi: Good. I am the 6th ranked member. You are a candidate for joining us.

Greg: How many members are there?

The Yogi: In this particular council, at the moment, there are 72 members.

Greg: Thank you!

The Yogi: You are most welcome.


This meeting took place on February 28th, 2020. Herzliya Pituach Coast Line, Israel.

I haven't seen The Yogi since.




Edited by Eternal Unity
The Yogi

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Greg: Spirit of guidance, communicate with me.

Spirit Guide: Hello, my dear friend. It is good to be talking to you again.

Greg: It is! And although we talk all the time, it's been several months since I recorded our communications by the written word. I believe it's time to renew some of my literary skills.

Spirit Guide: What is about to unfold is so much more than just a conversation. Do you recall, in your discussions with The Yogi, on the beach, you came to the understanding that you brought that experience to yourself by choosing to follow your heart? And that your Beach Experience was the moment of the transition from one level of consciousness to another?

Greg: Yes, it was in late February of 2020, just when the virus first struck.

Spirit Guide: Well, what I'd like to add to what The Yogi had said is that the reason this was the moment you altered your state of consciousness was because this is when you moved your ego into your heart. You see, by deciding to “follow your heart” you are aligning the separate part of self that resides in duality (which is your ego) with the part of yourself that is connected to the oneness and resides outside of duality (which is your spirit). That is what it means to follow your heart.

And when you become a heart-centered being, you climb one step in The Ladder of Consciousness. There are many such steps, as you already know.

Greg: Does that ladder end at some place? Is there an Ultimate State of Consciousness?

Spirit Guide: Yes and no. Remember that we're trying to comprehend the magnitude of infinity, of reality, from a perspective that is finite. And, of course, since your Beach Experience you have done a great deal more inner spiritual work. And so you are ready now. It is time for the next transition in your consciousness.

Greg: Really? But how? How will that happen? I've been on countless beach expeditions since my encounter with The Yogi and, well, and in none of them have...

Spirit Guide: It's not the expeditions that brought you to this point. It was your consistent and repeated choices to follow your heart. As it happened, that meeting with The Yogi was simply the perfect place at the perfect time for you, and indeed for The Yogi, too, to reach a moment of perfect stillness. It came together in divine right fashion for you to touch the heart of oneness and to feel your own eternal connection with All That Is.

I remain silent.

Spirit Guide: What needed now is another moment of true stillness. You clutter your mind with so much noise and your life with so much activity that it becomes very difficult to allow for these great transitions of your consciousness. Perhaps it is counter-intuitive to you, but indeed it is so that your greatest transformation will always happen when you are at your most still.

Greg: So I must... what... meditate? And then?

Spirit Guide: Something more than your normal meditation is required of you. You meditate fairly regularly and that is good. But your meditations are not actually the stillness of being that you think they are. Every meditation chases after one purpose or another. There is no fault with that, but something else is required now. You see, it is now time for you to change your mode of being entirely.

Greg: What is required?

Spirit Guide: Pick a day in which you have no appointments. Set that day aside. It is to be your day of stillness and listening. Tell everyone that you will be non-contactable on that day. Tell those who share your home with you that you will not speak to them on that day and that they are not to speak to you either. It is your day of silence. The night before your day of silence, you must switch off your mobile telephone and all such devices that might intrude upon you. You must switch off your computer, your television and your radio. All devices, which you use to input information into your consciousness, must be silent for your day of silence. On the morning of the day of silence you must allow yourself to awaken naturally. In other words, no alarm-clock. Stay in bed and be still. Listen to your heart.

Greg: Okay. But how do I listen?

Spirit Guide: For a start, make sure there is nothing else taking up residence in your consciousness, making a noise. Your heart will not compete for your attention! This is why you need to ask your family not to speak to you. It is why you must not engage with reading matter, not check your email, not speak to anyone. No external input at all. But you must also not busy yourself with work or chores or other activities. All of these things create thoughts and noise inside your mind. You must come to total stillness within your mind. And the maximum possible stillness of your hands, your body and your ears will assist this greatly

That is the start.

Then, when you are still, you must listen to your heart. You can, if you need something to do, just listen to your physical heart beating. That will help you because it is a literal listening to your heart. But then you should seek to still your consciousness and see what you receive. And this is how you should spend your day. Be still. Listen. Wait upon your heart. Your heart might speak to you more in feelings than in words. But, if you pay attention, you will know exactly what those feelings mean.

All of Oneness is in there! All of Life is in there! And life will express itself if you will but pay attention! Look around you at the universe, teeming with vigorous activity. Look at the world outside your window. Look at a drop of water under a microscope. Look at the nucleus of an atom. Where, anywhere, is the oneness saying nothing? The oneness is speaking with passionate eloquence all the time.

Can you let go of your fears and your excuses and just go and see what is there?

Greg: Yes. I'll do this. Tomorrow is Monday, January 31st, 2022. I'll make that my day of silence and I'll see what I get.

Spirit Guide: Good. It might be that tomorrow is just a practice run and that you actually need to do it again at some point. You might even need to spend a few days in silence. Be prepared for that.

But if you manage, for even a single moment, to get out of the way, to be really still and to truly listen to your heart then, I assure you, you will gain wondrous insights. And it will come to you in your heart such that you know it to be true. Which is quite a different thing from the ideas that you can hold in your head and think about. Knowing and thinking are very different things. And when it arrives, you will have no doubt that it did arrive. It will be a powerful experience. And what arrives will be the basis upon which we will be able to climb higher on The Ladder of Consciousness.


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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My Day of Silence

This morning I awoke to the sounds of birds calling outside. As I awoke, I remembered that this was to be my day of silence, so I stayed in bed, quietly listening. Well, truth be told, mostly I was thinking about listening. I was actually filling my mind with all kinds of ideas about what listening to my heart should be like and how it should feel if I listened to my heart and what my heart should be saying to me and, well, soon realized that I wasn't really being very still. So I began to meditate, which went a bit better. I relaxed my body entirely and cleared my mind of all thoughts. Which was great until I realized that I had released all thoughts, and began to think about that. And then I wondered how it would be to listen to my heart without thinking any thoughts. And then I realized I was filling my mind with babble again!

This was when it became apparent to me just how much harder this was going to be than I had initially thought. I won't bore you with the details of my day, but I will tell you that I was quite often frustrated with myself. "Being still" sounds easy. You just stop thinking, and then you listen, right? I can tell you, it is quite a challenge to break the noise addiction. At least, I found it to be so.

By late afternoon, I was done wrestling with myself. I was done trying to be quiet. I had had enough of attempting to find the right way towards stillness. I was through with trying to listen. So, I decided the day was a waste and that, instead of trying to listen to my heart I should just enjoy the rest of the day.

I made a snack and went out of my house and walked in the direction of the beach I met The Yogi almost two years ago to watch a truly breath-taking sunset. It was magnificent. As I sat on the sand and marveled with wonder at the beauty of the spectacle, a deep peace settled over me. And in that quietude something came to me. A thought sidled in through the back-door of my mind. A thought about love. A beautiful thought. And as it arrived in my mind it touched me very deeply, bringing tears to my eyes. I didn't so much think this thought, as feel it. And I felt it to be true.

And then I knew; this was what I had been waiting for! Here it was. Finally, when I stopped trying and wresting it was simply there in my mind as if it had always been!

I went back home, sat down at my laptop and, before I could think about how I was going to structure this, or what approach I would take, I found myself typing. It flowed out of me in one go, non-stop from my heart, through my hands on the keyboard. It barely even nodded at my mind as it passed through. And so here is what I wrote. I listened to my heart and this is what it said:


In the beginning of every particle of consciousness, right from the ONE, all the way down to the smallest, newest particle of life, there is a moment when that being gains self-awareness. In previous insights I have paraphrased that moment as that being saying, "Here I am." But self-awareness is always curious. And therefore the next utterance can be paraphrased as, "What am I?"

The journey, it seems, always begins with, "Here I am, but what am I?” Then, the journey itself consists of, "I might be this. No wait, maybe I am that. Or, what if I am this." On and on and on and on. Always searching for the answer. Each time something new is tried, there is a fragmentation of the consciousness. New beings are sent out on a foray of self-discovery from within the consciousness of the parent being. Variations are tried. Multiples of possibilities explored. Whole clouds of consciousness are expressed. Multiplying and complexifying and then specializing and trying again. Always seeking, yet never finding, that moment of bliss and peace that comes from having found the answer to the question, "What am I?"

And, in every instance, with every answer we have tried, we have pushed away from each other and the ONE. Further and further, we have pushed out. Like a tidal wave that burst forth from but a teacup, we have surged out. Becoming a tsunami of consciousness, we have pushed off from one another – outwards, outwards, ever seeking the truth. Ever seeking the answer...





You could say that this is about as far out as the wave would ever push because this is virtually the deepest forgetfulness of the point of origin that could ever be achieved. Perhaps it is possible to head out further? Perhaps someone wants to try? I don't. I am ready to be a part of the returning. Like all waves that have pushed up from the greatest depths of the ocean and found themselves crashing to the shore, this wave is going to return. It is going to go surging back with ever-increasing speed and exuberance to its source. To the ONE. We are returning!

And how are we to return?

It begins with the correct answer to the question, "What am I?" And the correct answer for me, from the depths of my heart, is Love.

Every other answer I have found only causes me further complexity.

Every other answer pushes me outwards and away. Because every other answer implies something else that I am not.

For example. If I am being called Delight, then I am not all kinds of other things. I am not fear, pain, sadness, loss, anger, hatred or misery.


But I am also not stillness, peace, harmony, order, or patience. I am not even kindness, honesty, justice, valor, dignity, steadfastness, dependability, righteousness or any other such worthy thing.

Do you see? If I choose anything at all and say, "I am that," then I am, in that very self-same moment, saying, "I am not that," to a whole host of other things. So anything that I would claim myself to be causes separation, division and a pushing away from the oneness. The only exception to that rule that I can find is the statement, "I am Love". Not passion. Not lust. Not need. Not any of these silly, temporary little feelings that we usually refer to when we say the word, love. No. I am Love with a capital L. I mean the kind of Love that looks at another being and sees God in their eyes. Sees the wonder and the perfection inside the heart of every being, irrespective of the exterior they are currently wearing. Love is that which is given to everything and everyone, everywhere, unconditionally, always. That is the Love I am talking about.

I am talking about the kind of Love that puts you down on your knees in gratitude that you are alive. That threatens to crush your heart with the beauty of the world around you. That makes you yearn to find the greatest and best and most magnificent gift that you can find within yourself, simply so that you have something that you can give back to life in gratitude for all that it has given to you.

That is my answer to the question. And so I find that I can declare with surety, steadfastness and conviction, "I am Love!"

And so, for my spirit, I am an answer-bearer. I am inclusiveness. I am a particle of life that is going back home. I can feel it! In the very moment of this declaration, the tide has turned. I am in the wave that is done rushing up the shore and is now pulling back to sea. And as I go back, so I will collect other particles of Self. I will see everything that I have ever been and done in this lifetime and I will say, "I am love and I am that." And so, yes, I am love and I am Greg who is Eternal Unity.

And so, whoever you are. Wherever you are. However you got to being the way you are. There will come a time in your journey home, and in my journey home, where we will both be looking at the same great being and we will both say, "I am love and I am that." And then you and I shall be ONE. And indeed, in due course, all beings everywhere, in All That Is, will look to the ONE. And we shall all declare, "I am love and I am that!"

But for now, I can only look forward to that moment when I will know that I am you, and you are me. But because I know that time is an illusion and that all time is really now, I can already look out at you from across the divide of this bit of text. I can see you reading this. I can look at you and say, "I am love and I am You!"

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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