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Leo's enlightenment theory - backed by science? Also stop taking psychedelics Leo

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Jeffery Martin conducted a study of thousands of enlightened people, you can see his presentations on it on youtube or read his book called 'The Finders'.

Basically he states that there are 4 main locations of enlightenment, and they alternate between dual and non-dual. Location 1 is dual, Location 2 is non-dual, Location 3 is dual and often described as union with God, and Location 4 is non-dual and without emotion, or 'emptiness'. 

But after location 4 - 5, there is a fork in the road. One path is the 'path of freedom' which looks to be a continuation of the location 4 type of experience. The other path is the 'path of humanity' which is more similar to the earlier location. He only found examples of people on the path of humanity up to location 9, where they say it feels like the universe is looking out through their eyes.

In Leo's recent video he says he believes there is a divergent path, and one road is a road to emptiness which will hit a wall, and the other is a road to god which goes on for infinite. This is similar to Jeffery Martin's fork in the road theory, however according to Jeffery he has seen examples of people on the path to freedom going deeper.

-Why Leo should stop taking psychedelics-

Jeffery Martin warns that going past location 4 is dangerous. You begin disassembling and reassembling the absolute core parts of your being. Things like amnesia, or going unconscious are common. Jeffery says the people going past this need support structures to take care of them as they could lose function of their body for long periods of time.

If Leo is experiencing temporary glimpses past location 4 using 5 meo DMT, this is dangerous, there is no telling what happens if a disassembly starts while he is on the drug and how it will reassemble if the drug wears off, or if he goes unconscious while alone with no one around to save him. Also Leo's states are not permanent, what happens if he sees things so grand he can't handle going back to his normal existence? 

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