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demons, ghosts, supernatural phenomenon

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do they exist?

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In our reality-bubble I don't think so. In some other reality-bubble I am sure of it. But in those reality bubbles it would not be seen as supernatural.

Our conscious is supernatural but people are willing to just accept it as natural, that you shock some matter with electric and magically it appears, because we know 100% it exists. The same would surely happen if a reality bubble allowed ghosts to exist. It'd just be like "well duh it's not supernatural it's just ___".

Ghosts here are not plausible to me. A ghost is an ego with form. The direct "mystical experience" destroys your ego and form. They're incompatible with each other... Same with the afterlife as people generally imagine it being in paradise with the egos of their relatives for eternity.

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short answer: no


new age answer: yes, in the sense that harry potter also exists.

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Yes, they exist and can be experienced if you happen to be lucky/unlucky enough to experience them. A good way to never experience these phenomena is to stay away from all people claiming they are real and psychologically block yourself from following potential evidence due to your bias. I easily would’ve been a nonbeliever and was atheist for years before having a chain of many supposedly impossible events happen over the course of my life with the past year being the most radical. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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