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Is it just me?

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Hey, I'm starting to get a bit freaked out by this notion of it being only me.
Leo, when you're talking about teaching others and stuff, is that just bullshit?
It would appear like this is a forum of people talking about stuff, but am I just imagining it all???

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Imagine that there is a giant sea sponge sea cucumber thing. We label this giant sea cucumber, Awareness. Every single pore or hole out of the giant sea cucumber is awareness, but each hole is a lens, it's focused awareness. Those holes only see everything around them, as a hole, they cannot see the hole themselves. The holes take themselves to be a THING, they take themselves to be their most immediate surroundings, not a hole, part of not separate Awareness itself, but an actual thing. 

When you look deep into someone's eyes you look into their pupils, a hole where light enters. Considering this is a little bit creepy, but it's always been the case, it has always been so. 

Basically the insight is that you've taken yourself to be a thought, a body all this time, but you are actually pure Awareness, and the implications of this are wonderful. 

When you interact with people you are always taking a snap shot in time of them, making judgements based on what you think you are and how you compare, etc. You are actually interacting with a dead thought of someone, not the real aliveness of Awareness. The more you start to realize (real eyes) this the better, and better things get, the more fully Love is experienced. 

We're all A holes. ??

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Differentiate between direct experience and your own fantasies. Whether you are everything or not is not a matter of belief or logically convincing yourself. If it's not in your experience then it's not true for you even if the Buddha claims it. If Leo tells you that you are a cow or that you are already dead then what?

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Thanks for that explanation mandy, I'm still processing it.

tatsumaru, I see what you're saying. I'm just wondering if my direct experience is all there is?




Edited by bobsyourdad

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