Omniscience. Omnipotence. Instant Manifestation.

By ivankiss in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Listening to Leo's new video now... Cool stuff. I'm at the part where he speaks of instant manifestation. And I got a question to ask. I recall 'an experience' I once had. I struggled to explain it back then... but I knew exactly what was going on. It went something like this:  Ego death. Physical death. Full God-mode. It totally seemed like I was running out of thoughts. I could not think of anything, no matter how hard I tried. And then something incredible happened. Thought and the very moment in front of me (direct experience) became one and the same. It sounds meh - but I assure you; there is nothing like it. Somehow; each and every thought I had became instantly and fully experiential. Instantly manifested into reality. I could not simply think thoughts, without them 'materializing' into tangible existence. I freaked the fuck out. You might think God cannot freak out... But trust me; God can be absolutely terrified of itself when it sees itself fully in the mirror. When it fully remembers itself and wakes up to its Will. When there is no filter whatsoever and no 'lag' of any kind... That shit be scary af. You could easily manifest yourself jumping out the window. Or being swallowed by the ground. Or you know... whatever. There's nothing that could stop you. Manifesting a billion dollars is the last thing on your mind then. You might think: 'yeah that's just ego - fear or  survival' or whatever...but no. Those are long gone at that point. It's more like you're unable to properly handle your own infinite, unstoppable power. That's what's so freaky about it. So my question to @Leo Gura, or anyone else who had a similar experience is; How the fuck do I integrate this? It's been a while since I tripped... Should I trip more often? Become more familiar and at peace with those 'hights'? Also; how do I bring that shit to 'the ground'? I know every single passing moment is my Will. No doubt about it. It's just not exactly how I'm experiencing life as of now. Yeah I'm aligned and in the flow - if you will. But that cannot be compared to Omniscience or Omnipotence. Not even nearly. Why is everything so damn... slow - 'down here'? And how come it's instant 'up there'? I know the answer. Consciousness. Higher frequency. Less noise/distortion and no filters... But still. It's just so damn fascinating. So damn mind-blowing.  Do share your thoughts, please. Peace!    
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