Thought Art

Leo's New Video: "It's just you imaging me"

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6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

That was said because it is precisely true but not the you that you are thinking of.. and a bubble is just an idea..There is only what is actual in your direct experience. When you look at your hand that is actual.  Or the wall.  That is actual.   But what can happen if you stare at your hand long enough is that the subject / object can collapse.  There never really was a subject (you) staring at an object there was just pure actuality itself or isness.   That is what you are - not a person looking at a hand.  That is all thought or imagination.   It is being imagined that you are a person with a name and a backstory just as it is being imagined that there are others with names and back stories.   if there wasn't a self there wasn't other either.

I think I understand all that already. I just don't understand the idea of other beings yet.

Do you have a bubble? Leo claims he doesn't. So no one must either. Which is fine.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art you are imagining yourself too through thinking, and realization of that is enlightenment. After that there will be no you to imagine, imagination and you becomes identical. Therefore there is no such thing as imagination or you. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 I think enlightenment is more. There is my direct experience and survival needs that don't cease.

So, I get I am imagining things but thats cool. Nothing changes. Give me something powerful. 

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@Thought Art Well then you don’t actually understand what I said.  

When you keep asking “Does Leo have his own bubble?” You keep assuming that there is an identity that is Leo.  But Identity is completely imagined.  You have no identity. Leo has no identity.  None of the forms or “objects” around you have any identity or any objective meaning whatsoever.

 It’s all just completely meaningless appearances arising in consciousness.  There is only what is appearing in Consciousness right NOW, and that. Is. All.  

There is an implicit grokking that takes place when you truly grasp the fact that you have absolutely no identity. Keep contemplating what the implications are of having no identity.


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24 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

@Thought Art Well then you don’t actually understand what I said.  

When you keep asking “Does Leo have his own bubble?” You keep assuming that there is an identity that is Leo.  But Identity is completely imagined.  You have no identity. Leo has no identity.  None of the forms or “objects” around you have any identity or any objective meaning whatsoever.

 It’s all just completely meaningless appearances arising in consciousness.  There is only what is appearing in Consciousness right NOW, and that. Is. All.  

There is an implicit grokking that takes place when you truly grasp the fact that you have absolutely no identity. Keep contemplating what the implications are of having no identity.


No that isn't what I mean. I am not talking about identity. I am talking about bubbles of awareness that exist other than mine.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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29 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

No that isn't what I mean. I am not talking about identity. I am talking about bubbles of awareness that exist other than mine.

I know what you’re asking about.  You simply are not getting what I’m saying.  The idea that there is anyone there; that there is a subject, or agent there that has an individual bubble of awareness is a consequence of misidentification with the contents, or rather your concepts of what is being experienced in consciousness rather than identifying with consciousness itself.  There is only one bubble of awareness, and there is no one that is experiencing it.  This consciousness is you(God), and you’ve just been sitting here in this one spot dreaming dream after dream after dream for Eternity.  

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No bubbles, just the field of pure conciousness being itself. Everyone is a manifestation of timeless infinite Love. 

We are all the Infinite Actor in the endless play. 



The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

@James123 I think enlightenment is more. There is my direct experience and survival needs that don't cease.

So, I get I am imagining things but thats cool. Nothing changes. Give me something powerful. 

No you are not imagining anything. Nothing is happening. What can be beyond of not knowing? But ego mind likes to search, can never compherend, but once it happens, there will be no such a thing as mind. You will be right where you are as always been not even started, began, born.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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7 minutes ago, James123 said:

No you are not imagining anything. Nothing is happening. What can be beyond of not knowing? But ego mind likes to search, can never compherend, but once it happens, there will be no such a thing as mind. You will be right where you are as always been not even started, began, born.

Sure, I've seen that and been there. But I am not there right now. I am here, ego is here. It's part of the dream. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 hours ago, Dodo said:


If there is only One experience I could agree. 

Might be more right to say Being is King. 

That is actually correct.  That's why I dislike the phrase direct experience it's not Total enough. 

Being is King.  But Being is as direct as you can get because there is no you.  So when we say direct experience that is what is implied.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:

Kind of.   Leo is God himself speaking to a person who doesn't know he is God yet.

The word "Imagining" here applies to the whole universe/reality.  "You" is imagining this relativity that includes "you" and "me" (Leo) in that sense, "You" with upper case is from God point of view.   

This is how Leo promotes the concept "You are God".  He speaks it as he is God, not Leo.  Leo is the little "me"

Once you realize that idea, you will have some types of Godhead awakening! 

You are God!

I don't know I am God. Yet. had a few experiences by they don't stick.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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you and me are two words describing the same (non)thing, rather poorly by listing apparent attributes. Forced perspective are two more. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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11 hours ago, Thought Art said:

In Leo's newest video he seems to try to break the forth wall in some ways.

Saying things like, it's just me, and I created Leo etc... If it is just me, then why are there all these other people on the forum? Is that just my infinite intelligence messing with me? I am alright it is just me. I don't mind being alone in the universe. But, I would like a little more control over what is taking place in my life. I don't need full God awakening, just a little bit more.

I think it is funny that Leo talks to like 30,000 a week. Yet it's just me and him and he doesn't even have his own awareness? That doesn't make sense... I mean anything is possible. But it seems a bit threatening to the sovereignty of my mind if I let a self deception screw up my metaphysics in that way. 

There are two things that can mean me/you. If it is referring to what we both truly and actually are at our very core, then that thing is 100% identical proveably... If you put my awareness and yours side by side, when all elements of human consciousness are removed, there would be NO difference.

I think they are literally one thing and thus not even separated.

So it's like, do you think it is "YOUR" awareness or do you think you belong to IT. I think it is the latter. I see us all as puppets "I" is playing with. All of the things we feel like emotions, thoughts, a sense of self, that is because we "are" the puppet.

So when we converse it is puppet to puppet. We are different puppets. Sort of like how two leaves on a tree are different and unique and yet both literally ARE the tree and hence one thing.

But if we were to converse "true self to true self" it is a conversation to nobody but our own self.

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5 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

@Thought Art Well then you don’t actually understand what I said.  

When you keep asking “Does Leo have his own bubble?” You keep assuming that there is an identity that is Leo.  But Identity is completely imagined.  You have no identity. Leo has no identity.  None of the forms or “objects” around you have any identity or any objective meaning whatsoever.

 It’s all just completely meaningless appearances arising in consciousness.  There is only what is appearing in Consciousness right NOW, and that. Is. All.  

There is an implicit grokking that takes place when you truly grasp the fact that you have absolutely no identity. Keep contemplating what the implications are of having no identity.

ALL experience exists. Love exists, fear exists, anxiety exists; even emotions possessed by no human being which only exist in other creatures, exist.

Leo exists, France exists, Johnny Bravo exists.

"I" experiences "being Leo". That is an experience. Whether it is imaginary does not matter. The person who types to you now, although "I" experiences both of us, it is impossible for you to see from my eyes and write a response back to me here describing my bedroom in detail. It's impossible. Because the experience of you exists, and "I" is experiencing it.

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35 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

ALL experience exists. Love exists, fear exists, anxiety exists; even emotions possessed by no human being which only exist in other creatures, exist.


I think he was trying to get him to stop identifying with the imaginary entity behind the eyes.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@RMQualtrough Agreed.  All of these appearances, egos, and points of view exist within infinite consciousness.  The only thing one must understand is that it is all you, and that every point of view or “bubble” is actually your own.  

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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17 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

@RMQualtrough Agreed.  All of these appearances, egos, and points of view exist within infinite consciousness.  The only thing one must understand is that it is all you, and that every point of view or “bubble” is actually your own.  

Great explanations 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 hours ago, Consilience said:

It seems like a lot of people on here conceptualize the whole Solipsism thing as the little self being alone in the Universe. Nope. Absolute Solipsism is totally one, whole, complete, perfect, and interconnected with all. It is the most beautiful possibility. You're so radically alone, you are literally one with all. The little ego thinking it's alone in the Universe would be horrifying to the little ego. But there is no little ego to be alone. There is only wholeness. 

I fucking love that

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25 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Great stuff.  You tried.

Yeah it’s funny how you can feel like you have the perfect most clearest way of explaining something that anyone should understand if they read it or hear you explain it, but it just never connects the way you hope. :P  Such is the nature of these matters I suppose.  It’s just such an implicit/experiential thing. 

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16 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Yeah it’s funny how you can feel like you have the perfect most clearest way of explaining something that anyone should understand if they read it or hear you explain it, but it just never connects the way you hope. :P  Such is the nature of these matters I suppose.  It’s just such an implicit/experiential thing. 

Hard to express this stuff with language.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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