
The Explanation Of "you Can't Die"

21 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Joel3102 said:

What I still don't understand is what the brain has to do with it!? Why does this awareness need a brain to manifest, therefore making it seemingly obvious that consciousness is created from the brain???

In interval between two births soul (real self) is in dreamlike state. Soul needs a body to manifest, otherwise it is in a dreamlike state. It can communicate if suitable medium is available.

 Occasionally, it may so happen that souls enter other bodies. But to say that the souls will enter is a linguistic fallacy. It would be better to say that some body may behave in such a way that it will cause a soul to enter into it. 

There are two types of bodies which are in a state of deep receptivity. One is of those that are in great fear. Because a frightened person happens to be in an ugly and dirty state, no higher soul can enter him.  

Secondly, a soul can enter a body when it is in a deep prayerful moment. A prayerful person becomes filled with so much inner fragrance and so much inner beauty that only the highest souls take interest in him.

Communication is possible only between the soul entering and the soul existing in the body.

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