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Coming to terms with that Infinity is Terrifying

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I think a lot of people don't really appreciate what infinity actually entails. That's because they are not exposed to some very gruesome aspects of reality for the most part.

Today i stumbled upon this  video on youtube which was very disturbing to me (don't watch it if you are afraid of some very serious emotional distress). 

It created a lot of distress for me. It is easy to just avoid looking at this type of material. Most people just react by saying 'why tf do you watch that sh*t'?

And i agree on one level but on another level i think you are just putting your head into the sand, you are avoiding a part of yourself. Most people i know do this.

I also do this. I no longer watch gore videos because i already watched some in my early 20s and no more is needed.

 But i don't regret having watched them to be honest. These kind of videos are so powerful at changing you permanently. I really believe noone is really the same after watching something very horrifying. It leaves an imprint on your mind till the day you die. You are forever a changed man for better or worse.

It is very easy to live our lifes like this stuff doesn't even happen. 

I am having difficulty sometimes accepting these terrifying gore aspects of reality (although now i am more tolerant and less fearful). And almost none spiritual teacher really addresses this stuff....They do a poor job at seriously addressing these gruesome aspects of reality which really affect many people. 


Edited by SQAAD

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