
Why do we find beauty in certain things and not in others?

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why do we find beauty when looking at a mountain range covered in trees and snow, with the sun setting right behind it. While finding a pile of shit covered in mosquitoes ugly? 

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Holding a belief that beauty can be lost or found.

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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4 minutes ago, Natasha said:

@Holygrail Survival. Ego finds 'beautiful' whatever promotes it's survival.

yeah, that makes sense.

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You can rewire yourself to recognize beauty in every form. It is an additional lens in the toolbox of recognizing the world, and this lens is distinct from the human-beauty lens. You could say it has a different flavor than human-beauty.

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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Because you add meaning, stories and past associations to everything you look at.  A child who has barely had any past experience will find his colourful plushie as interesting as the shit that comes out of him.  And it he gets his hand on that shit, I bet you he will try to eat it too.

Similarly if walk into the Amazon forest for the first time and see a colourful frog, you will probably want to get closer to photograph it until someone warns you to keep your distance because the frogs sprays a poison that could burn your skin.

So yes survival and past experience will determine for you what is good or bad, beautiful or ugly.

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look at deformed babies, they are beautiful:x that's great start to expand your field of beauty

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@Holygrail I think there are things that are objectively wholesome and unwholesome. Wholesome things produce wholesome mindstates like joy, bliss, compassion and contentment, while unwholesome things produce unwholesome mindstates like greed, hatred, and lust. While we should develop compassion towards all things, even those that cause revulsion, I think its important to know the difference and not just accept everything as good. If something is ugly and repulsive we should know it as such, but not let it affect our own wholesome mindstates.

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1 hour ago, Ora said:

@Holygrail I think there are things that are objectively wholesome and unwholesome. Wholesome things produce wholesome mindstates like joy, bliss, compassion and contentment, while unwholesome things produce unwholesome mindstates like greed, hatred, and lust. While we should develop compassion towards all things, even those that cause revulsion, I think its important to know the difference and not just accept everything as good. If something is ugly and repulsive we should know it as such, but not let it affect our own wholesome mindstates.

"objectively unwholesome?"

It's Love.

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Because you are biased towards survival. A pile of shit carries disease and potential harm, whereas a mountain just looks cool.

Describe a thought.

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