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Mind full of Mars (poem)

5 posts in this topic

I wrote this random little poem. Doesn't have a specific meaning or point but I just thought I'd share it with you :D

I called it "Mind full of Mars". 

I woke up this morning,
more tired than the night before.
With my eyes sealed shut.. 
I made my way to the bathroom door.
Rubbing my eyes.. I saw stars. 
I felt myself spin.
I opened my eyes.. 
but my dream state didn’t end.

Looking in the mirror.. I saw my eyes black as space.
I would say they were just as captivating too.
When will I merge back into reality?
When will this world fade back into
the deepest part of my subconscious?

I’ve been running all night in a vivid wonderland.. 
but now I should come back home.. 
back down to Earth.

I step into the shower.. 
and through the hot water.. 
feel my spirit return to my body.

As the boiling water
runs down my sore form.. 
I feel a piece of me come back

and another disappear.
I’m not meant to be HERE.
I am meant to be there.

I long to bypass
this worldly routine.. 
to close my eyes.. 
and drift back asleep.

Earth is where I reside.. 
but Mars is in my mind.
I am an extraterrestrial.. 
among my own kind. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Nice ??????

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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