
Frank Yang's video response to Leo's video - about stage Turquoise

259 posts in this topic

20 hours ago, Scholar said:

See, all of this nonsense that there is nobody to suffer and that suffering is an illusion is something that you can only pretend to be true because you pretended there was suffering which you got over in the first place. None of this is deeper, more truthful than the rest. :D


Suffering is as real as literally anything you could possibly say, think or become aware of. The hierarchy of realness of that you came up with is just as real as my non-hierarchy of realness. That's the entire point of realness! You can make anything real!


If suffering was not real, if the one who suffers was not real, then reality wouldn't be infinite. It would be limited to whatever your little chimp mind happened to think after whatever happened to it. Your deconstruction is as "unreal" as anything else. When you unravel it all, you will find yourself right back where you began.


The deconstruction is the construction of that which is being deconstructed.

Hahahaha and where would that "right back where you began" be?  What was that "where you began or supposedly someone else began"?  \


Those images that came up when asked the above questions, are/were they true, are/were they accurate?  Or just imagination? 

hmmmm not so easy to know or not know "what is or supposedly was"........

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

@Display_Name Why would a person want that beyond a brief experience or realization? Does that mean they are in the ego death type state all the time?

There never was a person and it's the end of the illusion of there having been one

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1 hour ago, Mu_ said:

Hahahaha and where would that "right back where you began" be?  What was that "where you began or supposedly someone else began"?  \

It's right here my dude. Now let's stop talking about this it isn't leading any of us anywhere. Thinking about this is a waste of time and energy.

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12 minutes ago, Scholar said:

It's right here my dude. Now let's stop talking about this it isn't leading any of us anywhere. Thinking about this is a waste of time and energy.

100%, my comment was more coming from the response you gave in which you shared a loopty loop idea that one just gets back to something supposedly that was real to begin with and from such an idea repeats only to get enlightened again.  I've been down this line of thinking and it had a kinda bondage nihilisticness to it, was only trying to help...  If that wasn't true for you, lets just carry on and dance.....

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whenever you have an image or an idea, then it can not be God.

That what the (I'm God) claimer is missing, because his ego is too big.

I mean show us a miracle for God sake instead of just talking about them all the time like this guy Sadguru.

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10 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

No it's the same thing! When you become conscious of No self you become conscious of Self.   There is an integration process and a deepening of this understanding afterwards but it is what it is.

Haha it's ultimately the same but the degrees of subtler realizations and experiences that leads up the Realization of both has levels. Also we have to understand the difference between Realization and peak experiences/glimpses.  Realization is a permanent shift to what IS, this is a permanent change at the deep cellular level. I say too many confuse 2 or even 1 with 3.  The best way to find out if a person's had a genuine Realization is a direct phenomenological description of their moment to moment experience, perception, etc and/or watch how they move. But even that is inferred.  Bottom line is you can't really tell if another person is Realized, at least not by what they say conceptually.  

1. intellectual understanding.

2. Experience/Glimpses.

3. Realization.  



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6 hours ago, Display_Name said:

Maybe it was your couple 5-MeO trips that gave you access to the infinite loop aspect of it, you having done 5-MeO is the one variable that sets you apart from guys like Shinzen, Ingram etc who did shit tons of vipassana but dont talk about loops


5-meo + vipassana hybrid path is da way my brahs

i second this.  



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The Universe is neither conscious nor not conscious. 


Neither Absolute nor relative 


Neither empty nor not empty 


Neither Divine nor spiritual nor material


And both


Experiential Realization of this takes place at the cellular level. If whatever you Realize come and go, it cannot be said to be a genuine Realization.  So although meditation is just one of many tools, the 8th jhana, "Neither Perception nor Not Perception", which comes right before a Fruition/cessation is important to re-wire the organism over and over again at the cellular for the experiential Realization of paradoxes.  Before that you have "Infinite Consciousness" and "Nothingness". Training the organism to become familiar in slipping in and out of these different states "physically" would make the last 3 slides an embodied experience, not just conceptual. 

Although I must emphasize that True Nature, when you "Become the Universe', the experiential manifestation of Realization feels like it's completely outside of the human mind-body organism.  I remember the first thought from the character after Awakening was, this has NOTHING to do with meditation, self inquiry, psychedelic trips, Insights, or even Realization itself ^_^







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Just now, Being Frank Yang said:


The Universe is neither conscious nor not conscious. 


Neither Absolute nor relative 


Neither empty nor not empty 


Neither Divine nor spiritual nor material


And both


Experiential Realization of this takes place at the cellular level. If whatever you Realize come and go, it cannot be said to be a genuine Realization.  So although meditation is just one of many tools, the 8th jhana, "Neither Perception nor Not Perception", which comes right before a Fruition/cessation is important to re-wire the organism over and over again at the cellular for the experiential Realization of paradoxes.  Before that you have "Infinite Consciousness" and "Nothingness". Training the organism to become familiar in slipping in and out of these different states "physically" would make the last 3 slides an embodied experience, not just conceptual. 

Although I must emphasize that True Nature, when you "Become the Universe', the experiential manifestation of Realization feels like it's completely outside of the human mind-body organism.  I remember the first thought from the character after Awakening was, this has NOTHING to do with meditation, self inquiry, psychedelic trips, Insights, or even Realization itself ^_^





@Being Frank Yang

I've seen visions like these a few times when I focus on the third eye on LSD but i always found it kinda distracting and useless.

Do you still get these kinds of visions post enlightenment or is the state more functional?

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9 hours ago, CBDinfused said:

That is an interesting claim by Frank that it is just as common to realise No-self as it is to realise god.

I interpret this as the difference between Buddha and Jesus. Buddha and Buddhism is basically "go live on a mountain in solidarity and realise that you are nothing and there is no self" where Jesus is "realise all is god and infinite love and the kingdom of God is everywhere". I am referring to the OG Jesus a.k.a. Gospel of Thomas Jesus. 

Yeah I always say True Nature is something like the merging of stage 3 and 4, Infinity/Love/Big Self/Love (Christ Consciousness) and Emptiness/Nothingness/No-Self/Nirvana (Buddhism).  So it's not that I am biased towards 4 over 3 



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6 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Being Frank Yang

I've seen visions like these a few times when I focus on the third eye on LSD but i always found it kinda distracting and useless.

Do you still get these kinds of visions post enlightenment or is the state more functional?

Reality can feel like this but no  you don't get trippy visuals on a moment to moment basis, the pure Formlessness of Godhead cannot be visualized but I can access those states during meditation, but that's all just for entertainment purposes now haha. The best way to illustrate the perceptual shift before and after you remove the lens of perception is going from 720 to 1080 to 4k to 360 4K.

And since Wisdom/Realization is not something you accumulate with the mind but revealing all falsehood to what IS, the contemplation can be

is the world 360? IF so you're 360 because you are the world.

Does the universe have a center? If not then you don't have a center because you are the universe.

However during mid path when I was still unfolding you can slip into those states spontaneously, and tbh I became quite attached to those experiences and subtle conditions get build up ie. "wow I can access those states natty I'm so special!", but since then I've let go of all emphasize on visuals, peak experiences, etc



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@Being Frank Yang Ahh very interesting.

Is there anything further on the spiritual path to pursue or understand, or are you effectively done seeking?

What are you pursuing now?

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6 hours ago, Display_Name said:

Here's the thing:

realising there's no self =/= the actual permanent dropping away of the center

anyone can realise the falsehood of self, even the most basic "I AM WITNESS" stage realises the falsehood of small I, but for the center to completely drop away is different and it's extremely rare. Most "enlightened people" are exactly that, enlightened people. There's still a center there that got enlightened. For it to drop away completely is atleast as if not much rarer than taking acid or DMT and realizing infinity, that's what Frank is saying. Or maybe it isn't, this is just storytime.

Leo thinks the "enlightened people" he knows have realized noself. But chances are their center has not dropped all the way. 

It's the same utter uniform, loopy centerless parity you experience on 5-MeO, it's not your average Eckhart Tolle.

I second this. This is the difference between say, Stream Entry - 4th Path or even beyond if you want to get mappy. 

And the difference i keep emphasizing, between still having a center and doing a lot of self inquiry to see the illusionary nature of self or having psychedelic experiences through the center vs self/center completely dropping away.  The difference between experiencing Infinity through a finite being vs Infinity Being ITself.

 There really is a huge difference here. In the latter even the whole notion of an "enlightened being' is completely ridiculous without the experiencer.



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1 minute ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Being Frank Yang Ahh very interesting.

Is there anything further on the spiritual path to pursue or understand, or are you effectively done seeking?

What are you pursuing now?

I am done seeking, have been since May 25th last year.  But human elements can always be more refined :D. you can always be more loving and kinder and find better words to share this stuff on the relative level. Sure there can be more, but all forms of practices now feels completely different from seeking, and all is done spontaneously now without effort. 



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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No it isn't.

You are saying misleading things and I don't sense that you know what God is.

I said the things I said in my recent video precisely because no-self and enlightenment is not enough to realize God. I know many enlightened people, and few of them have realized God.

You can argue with this all you want, but I have made my position clear and that is what I teach. If you don't like it, feel free to teach whatever you want to your people.

Those few who some day realize what I have realized will understand why I stress what I stress and not something else. Realize what God is. The rest is childsplay.

Then those "enlightened people" haven't completely dissolved the self/center and having closed the Infinity Loop. The point is very simple, once you drop the self you will be God, and by that time you probably wouldn't bother talking about God in X or Y way because you ARE IT.  An eye ball that does not see itself probably won't keep talking about what the eye ball looks  ;) and that's the main confusion here.  you talk more about what the eye ball sees, and I talk about how to Realize the eyeball and person can be awakened to No-Self/God but does not prope deeper into the different aspects of the manifestation of God etcc

Edited by Being Frank Yang



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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Flowerfaeiry Do you want to know how you created reality?

Drop the center and every moment is Reality creating Itself.  "Infinite Intelligence", stuff you speak of is the manifestation of Form upon realization centerless-ness.  I think most of the misconception here is Leo talks more about the Form/manifestation aspect of Realization, which has levels and states and degrees (what the eye ball sees)  but I tend to focus on the Realization itself, which nothing can be said about. 



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I am that God. Infinite Love thing beaming af. 

Case closed. No more debates and involvement with this. Spirituality done. 

RIP once again @SoonHei

Drink more milk kids continue with your debates and be right as much as you want. 

Edited by Zeroguy

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