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Should I feel guilty for liking to fish? (+hunting)

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I really, really like fishing. It provides good food, it's peaceful (kind of like a meditation) and it gives me a reason to be outside and see some beautiful landscapes and have some fresh air.

I've been thinking of getting into hunting as well.

My only issue is that I always wonder if it is actually crual to be doing this. I can't stop thinking about how I'm killing a part of the universe (or myself) while doing this. I prevent a little creature from living for my own selfish reasons, if we see it that way.

If anything, maybe I should go about putting it to sleep instantly. 

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hey man i feel u. you gotta think though that all other animals kill to survive. theres a thrill to hunting. as you say yourself, you love doing it. i think as long as youre not hunting endangered species and/or screwing up the ecosystem your absolutely okay. 

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@Podie45  Rather than trying to come to an answer or conclusion about the ethics of fishing, instead simply recognise that your perspective has shifted.  I believe that in order to develop wisdom, we have to explore as much mental territory as possible.  Mental territory in this context means allowing ourselves to be fully immersed in a certain belief, for example the idea that fishing is cruel, and then forcing ourselves to fully immerse in the opposite belief.  The trick is to not allow yourself to rest permanently in a specific belief - don't allow yourself to believe that it is the truth, but rather after 6 months or a year or so, force yourself to change.  Only once you've fully explored and integrated both views can you gain a true understanding of the whole.

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