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Meditation Vipassana all day

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What would happens if I keep all my attention on my breath, every time I think about it ?

I mean I go throught my day doing my things but I keep my attention on my breath and nothing else. And when I notice thoughts, I redirect my attention to the breath.

I believe I will be more conscious if I do that but is there better techniques than "vipassana" ?
Do you guys do this everyday and how hard is it, what changes did you notice ?

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You might have more success with one of the following 3; I know I did:

1. simply noticing your mental state (activity, mood, emotional charge such as anger/spacing-out/etc, quietude, etc) in real time, all day, no matter what the situation

2. radiating loving kindness at all times either to a spiritual friend that you love, to yourself, or to all beings — try to choose one and stick with it, but when in crowds just radiate to the people around you

3. self inquiry or some type of insight practice that views all experience as not-you since “I’m over here and it’s over there” to make the duality illusion glaringly obvious.

If you transcend that last one, some contemplation will generally go on effortlessly (or with effortless effort) and there maybe won’t be a whole lot of questions about what to do with your practice.

Edited by The0Self

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@Gabith  Hi. I'm a bit confused, the technique you describe sounds more like mindfulness of breathing (anapanasati) than vipassana (insight). But imo they can work well together, the breath technique is good for developing concentration and relaxation. Sounds like you're well established in that technique and ready to move on :) It's a vast subject though, although I could suggest some techniques which worked for me, there's no guarantee they're right for you. Have you seen Leo's videos on meditation? I'd also do plenty of reading and research and experimenting, you're likely to find some approaches gel more with your intuition and just feel right. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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I’d definitely do that. Love to hear back on it after just two or three days. I think you’ll feel relief and more relaxed. Thought activity will settle. Godspeed. 



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