
Stay Motivated

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Motivation is that magic spell that can make the sunrise in the west and set in the east, that can move the mountains, empty the oceans, stop the wind, and control the time. Ok Ok, maybe I should take the drama down a notch. Nevertheless, there’s no denying the fact that motivation is a powerful potion, which can undoubtedly change one’s life for good. And the secret of staying motivated in life all the time, is perhaps, the jackpot you might be searching for all your life. But not anymore.

What typically happens in a common man’s life is that he sets x,y,z goals to complete in life, but sooner than later loses the motivation to keep pursuing it and ultimately calls it quits. I suppose this is a predicament that has been and will be faced by more or less the entire humanity. Perhaps, this makes the quest for searching that never-ending stream of motivation all the more important.

‘I don’t feel like doing it’, ‘I am bored going to the gym’, ‘This has become so repetitive so I am gonna quit.’ We have all been there and know what it feels like. It’s definitely not a pleasant feeling. 

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One of the biggest challenges in achieving any goal, whether it's improving performance, getting up early, developing a habit, or playing sports, is finding the motivation to achieve that goal.

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Forget about motivation.

If you only purusue your goals when you are motivated you are done becuase you probably only be motivated one day out of twenty but you need to work hard every day.

Edited by RedLine

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