
Advertisement - Perception & deception of conciousness

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So Google, Facebook/Instagram, WPP, Omnicom, Amazon, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.. Some of the largest conglomerates make most of their cash flow from advertising. Literally make up the entire S&P500 in terms of market capitalization. 

Then seeing how annoying it is to get ads after every single video on YouTube is extremely frustrating. (Yes, there are ad blockers) 

Where is the ethics behind advertising? Where is the accountability? 

Seems like any narrative can be pushed out into the public to alter beliefs and perception of reality. (Yes, there's freedom of speech) 

Some of the advertising is straight up manipulation but when you report these ads YouTube shows more of it to insight anger. 

In the past I sold on Amazon a few years ago and spent roughly $10,000 on advertising to sell products. Just to compete with other sellers it was a requirement. Which is absolutely nothing in comparison to large companies like Coca-Cola and Anheuser Busch companies. The advertising budget is insane that these people allocate. Talk about mass hypnosis from billions of dollars being forced to control the eyes, ears, attention, and thoughts of millions of people daily. 

I understand that there's a paradox between getting leads from sponsored ads to creates sales. It is mind boggling to think how our schema of reality comes from these social narratives. 

Especially political campaigns that spend abnormally large amounts of money for certain stories and visual aids to create perceptions. Which most people are clueless to the emotional appeal and emotional triggers that are being poked at. As if the skinnard experiment with the pigeon went viral in advertising across the entire country. 

Let alone the split testing experiments and surveys are building up massive amounts of data to know what creates buy-in. Then the conversion ratios for purchases/views is becoming such a science is disturbing. Then adding in artificial intelligence and deep learning systems that will take this to a next level. 

I'm just frustrated at how much is spent in advertising daily without any real concern for the long term consequences. 



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