
I'm confused about Leo's madness and doubt him a bit

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You cannot read between the fucking lines. The stupidity of some people, I am so sick and tired of it seriously. use your fucking mind and stop being an idiot. That's all I gotta say

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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1 hour ago, fopylo said:

@Leo Gura Then can you explain the whole porn issue?

There's nothing to explain.

1 hour ago, fopylo said:

I am quite confused.

Good. Be confused.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@QandC Take it easy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura How will being confused help me? I want to know how a highly conscious person like you would resort to lower behavior such as watching porn. Bro I know you are very wise and you helped me a lot during difficult times in my life, which really makes me wonder.

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1 hour ago, fopylo said:

Then can you explain the whole porn issue?

The reason people have such a negative view of porn and masturbation is because it can easily be addicting and toxic for the ego, and when people suffer from that addiction and then want to improve their life they often rebound and swing the pendulum to the other side.

Which is why in self-help circles it's viewed as an objectively bad thing and all sorts of statistics and "science" is sought out, it's to confirm a highly relevant bias that those people have, because they are fearful and don't want to go back to that suffering.

It's all about balance. Porn and masturbation can be enjoyable and great things, you can get a release and express your sexuality while single, which is a totally natural and necessary thing.

Think about them like cake. Cake is fucking tasty, and can be really exciting. But it's also not great for your health if you have too much of it. Would you eat cake everyday if there weren't any consequences? Probably, but there are. So you have to be wise enough to limit yourself to only having it a few times a year, or maybe another treat only once a month as a reward.

There is not really an issue with most things in life. It's people that are the issue, not respecting themselves or the power and impact things can have.

If you are really horny once in a while, nothing wrong with jerking off. Just be honest with yourself to notice when you need it, vs when you want it and it's coming from a place of addiction.



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@Roy There is that whole idea of short-term pleasures and long-term happiness (which in fact, Leo shot a video on it). The short-term pleasure will never satisfy you and will actually harm you in the long run (i.e. masturbation, porn, sweets, drugs)

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21 minutes ago, fopylo said:

The short-term pleasure will never satisfy you and will actually harm you in the long run (i.e. masturbation, porn, sweets, drugs)

Have you ever heard of moderation?

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@fopylo Hi, welcome to the forum(march 7) ❤️

It is hard to grasp this sometimes, keep to ask questions but also remember that you have just started and stuff that are freaking weird sometimes, can suddenly get crystal clear with patient.


How many videos have you watched, can the answer be in any of them you not have watched?

Here are a bunch of videos that can be helpful to watch, before watch the newer videos. 

An little reminder of your post, April 24 2021




@Leo Gura
Hi Leo, happy birthday man!

I know that you lately don't really like to get pleasure from people praising you. You don't even need to reply if you feel that your worth isn't gonna change anyways, but hear me out if you can.
I've just came across your channel in like September, started watching the spiral dynamic series and maybe some more. But is wasn't until like 2-3 months ago that I started to take your work more seriously - started visiting the website and took notes for your videos and practiced them.

My god. Leo. Sometimes I get so emotional just thinking how FORTUNATE I am to stumble across your channel. You are probably the only person who really helped me change the way I view life and to live a better, more conscious, happy life. I've never been that honest when praising a teacher.

It feels so true for me to say that you are helping me change my life. It's as though any praise I've given on a different teacher was a lie and not authentic. You are really going to the roots of it. You have such a profound understanding and a very real and concrete one, with lots of experience.

You are helping me achieve what I've always dreamt unconsciously of wanting. You helped me feels more like a child and to remind me of what it means to connect with reality (mindfulness and self acceptance).
I've always had an innate wisdom that my life will take such shifts, but never knew when and how... I couldn't know for a fact my long journey has begun and you are someone I look up to.

Basically I can't really describe with words the way in which I feel about the existence of your channel and the amount of honest, real, deep and practical value you give us.

You are truly a moving force here that helps reduce the suffering of the world and raise happiness and consciousness.

Leo, I really don't know where I'd been without your channel. Probably still a victim, still being blind to the toxic unconsciousness which is binding me in my family. Probably still suffering and feeling fragmented and losing sense of reality.

You are a true hero that I look up to.
I  am still studying the foundational videos you posted and already starting to feel big differences in my life.
I hope one day I'll see you in real life and tell you how thankful I am for your work. Maybe when I'll reach self actualization or even enlightenment.

So in conclusion, I want you to continue doing what you love and impacting the world since it's a great win-win for humanity!

I can't wait to see my life to really transform with your help. Holy fuck, I don't ever remember when was the last time I ever felt so certain that a person has the power to change my life in the right way ...

So have an amazing birthday, great human!

Edited April 24 by fopylo



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1 hour ago, fopylo said:

@Leo Gura How will being confused help me? I want to know how a highly conscious person like you would resort to lower behavior such as watching porn. Bro I know you are very wise and you helped me a lot during difficult times in my life, which really makes me wonder.

@fopylo Porn is a tool to help you learn how to have good sex. Without porn you are sentenced to being an incel for life. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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8 hours ago, fopylo said:


This still doesn't explain why would he post on his blog letting all of us know he is watching porn. Isn't he trying to fix this problem? Even more importantly, which could shift perspective - does it seem like he considers it a problem (the healer's wound) ? If no then what you said doesn't mean anything

Dude, if you cannot find the absolute divine Beauty expressed through beautiful human forms then you likely cannot find it anywhere. If coitus and depictions of coitus, acts of "making love", acts as powerful as two becoming one in procreation, the art of two intensely becoming one in ecstacy, if this is what you project evil upon, demonize, and get hung up on, brother, you have alot of work to do. :)

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13 hours ago, fopylo said:

I believe you know the damage porn does to your brain, no matter how awake or enlightened you perceive yourself to be. It can affect in many bad ways and you are not above the effects of it.

Anyways, it is hard for me to believe you'd just go damage your life quality.

Do you know that watching porn damages the brain? It may definitely affect the brain but so does anything else.

Edited by Frosty97
spelling error

I am God. I am Love. I am Infinity. I am Frosty97.

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3 hours ago, fopylo said:

@Roy There is that whole idea of short-term pleasures and long-term happiness (which in fact, Leo shot a video on it). The short-term pleasure will never satisfy you and will actually harm you in the long run (i.e. masturbation, porn, sweets, drugs)

Doesn't mean you can't enjoy short-term pleasures, once in a while. You aren't really living life if you're only thinking about the future.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller


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@fopylo if you are sure masturbation goes against growth then maybe you have to reevaluate the exaltation you expressed in @didego's quote of you.

edit: mh @sda got it

Edited by Tetcher

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I rarely watch porn. When I do, its lesbians. So good. 

"You Create Magic" 

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@fopylo Its not about Leo! Nothing to do with him. 

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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Even if your engaging in this life the most conscious thing you can do is be conscious of why you are doing things. Why are you doing x or y? And by gaining a more deeper understanding of reality you can not bullshit yourself and be brutally honest.

One example as of recent I had a discussion about the value of life. We prioritize those close to us or other humans because we are naturally biased on that for survival. People didn't like that response. I know my biases are bullshit and I'm not perfect but because I have that knowledge whenever I even dare to say kill a bug when I'm too scared to handle it I do so consciously knowing my biases and even though I killed that bug there's almost a sense of empathy and love and appreciation for the immense value I feel towards it. That bugs death benefited me and I should not take it for granted.

Being conscious is the primary tool that's helped me heal, become less toxic, and even though my spiritual development on understanding is not anywhere close to people here and a lot of my growth derived from spiritual knowledge from a total of 2 trips and the rest deconstructing myself, it has helped me tremendously.

Even if you don't perfectly embody every insight perfectly it doesn't mean that insight is less valid and doesn't mean that increased awareness won't help you live and engage in things in a more aware way .

Bit of a tangent but Leo's advice can still be valuable and that is largely how he helped me.

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8 hours ago, fopylo said:

@Roy There is that whole idea of short-term pleasures and long-term happiness (which in fact, Leo shot a video on it). The short-term pleasure will never satisfy you and will actually harm you in the long run (i.e. masturbation, porn, sweets, drugs)

Your resistance to Existence is a short-term strategy for happiness. Seeing a problem with porn, ice cream, normal humanity... do you not see how this is hate and judgment coming from inside of you? You’re having a reaction to different “shadow” elements of life such as excess, addiction, hedonism, etc., but this means that you’ve already drawn a clear line around yourself to separate your identity as much as you can from many of these things. Partial identities are the cause of ALL problems that have ever existed. Essentially the deepest teaching is that you are the present moment as it exists in it’s entirety from “your perspective” right now. You can call that God if you like. As long as you have anything within you that finds reprehensible qualities in Life/Reality/Existence, you are setting yourself up for long-term conflict within yourself. This doesn’t mean that you go start a bunch of bad habits, but seeing part of reality as a target or enemy is going to cause suffering. 

You’re a human being though still. There’s nothing ultimately wrong with you seeing porn as a bad idea in the same way as Leo wanting to masturbate occasionally is not ultimately wrong. It’s your individual survival strategy for your personal situation right now. Just because you aren’t aligned with God Consciousness 24/7, enlightened, or a saint doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. You’re expressing human life in a unique form. So is everyone else. The “highest” things are not the only things that have value in life. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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8 hours ago, fopylo said:

@Leo Gura How will being confused help me? I want to know how a highly conscious person like you would resort to lower behavior such as watching porn. Bro I know you are very wise and you helped me a lot during difficult times in my life, which really makes me wonder.

The main point is that when you grow yourself, you have to be very aware of the tight rope you are walking on.  A little too much growth-work could result in a ego-backlash that makes you feel burned out and in turn makes you unproductive for weeks/months. And so, it is more efficient to give your lower self its due healthily and know when to loosen the grip. In the end, you will get way more done in this way than being perfect, fallling off, again and again. Also I feel like you moralize and make a shadow out of 'unproductive'/'unconscious' things. The paradox is that moralizing those things is being 'unproductive' and 'unconscious'. 

Ignoring the lower self bleeds into everything you do. So, think about this whole ordeal more holistically. 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Silly party over.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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