
Leo, is DMSA really necessary to test for heavy metal toxicity?

25 posts in this topic

On 14/7/2021 at 9:04 AM, Leo Gura said:

IMO, urine testing is the only valid test. I do not trust hair tests. And there is no other test.


[...] " Blood tests only show recent, acute exposure and often aren't sensitive enough to detect the relatively low levels of mercury moved (compared to an industrial type exposure). Urine tests do not show what is in the brain and organs, and often show what was already on its way to excretion. In addition, challenge/provoked tests are dangerous, as they mobilize more mercury than a person can excrete, often causing a variety of symptoms. "


On 14/7/2021 at 9:04 AM, Leo Gura said:

To make the urine test safer you can do the test and then go immediately into a 3 day Cutler detox cycle. This way any metals your test dose stirred up are detoxed. That is my preferred way.

ACC FB site recomends hair test.

Is the reason you do not trust it is because it's more accurate to take DMSA and see if you are still excreting heavy metals? Seems the most reasonable to me, maybe since they are managing such a big ammount of people they want to go with the safest route that would get them into the least trouble with people following their methods? Also the hair test interpretation is somewhat of a nice business .

[...] " Hair tests usually cannot be read at face value because mercury causes mineral transport derangement. Outside of pregnancy and lactation, it is the only thing known to do so. Additionally, old exposures can hide, and a low mercury bar can actually mean you're more toxic because you aren't excreting well. "

All so complicated.

So you prefer the DMSA provoked urine test because of its simplicity and clarity?  Take DMSA , pee . Toxic? repeat ( following the whole protocol)

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23 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Urine tests do not show what is in the brain and organs

Neither do hair test. No test shows that.


Is the reason you do not trust it is because it's more accurate to take DMSA and see if you are still excreting heavy metals?

Yes. You cannot dispute the fact that heavy metals are coming out your pee hole at an elevated rate. That's clear evidence of toxic load in your body. It does not tell you exactly how much is left in your body, but no test does.


[...] " Hair tests usually cannot be read at face value because....

I don't trust that heavy metals will be detected in the hair. I don't see why it must come out in the hair. You could have heavy metals deep in your organs and it never comes out through your hair. Plus, your hair is covered in shampoo and who knows what other chemicals.


So you prefer the DMSA provoked urine test because of its simplicity and clarity?  Take DMSA , pee . Toxic? repeat ( following the whole protocol)


It's not complicated. DMSA forces metals out via your urine. This is 100% proven science. If heavy metals are coming out of you, that means they were inside you (unless you were eating fish or drinking dirty water).

As for what your hair does, that's all guess-work.

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Neither do hair test. No test shows that.

Yes. You cannot dispute the fact that heavy metals are coming out your pee hole at an elevated rate. That's clear evidence of toxic load in your body. It does not tell you exactly how much is left in your body, but no test does.

I don't trust that heavy metals will be detected in the hair. I don't see why it must come out in the hair. You could have heavy metals deep in your organs and it never comes out through your hair. Plus, your hair is covered in shampoo and who knows what other chemicals.


It's not complicated. DMSA forces metals out via your urine. This is 100% proven science. If heavy metals are coming out of you, that means they were inside you (unless you were eating fish or drinking dirty water).

As for what your hair does, that's all guess-work.

Andy Cutler's book recommends hair test. He knows that the actual mercury reading isn't relevant, but he developed a system of determining if you have mercury poisoning via various rules determined by how the other minerals turn out, as mercury disregulates mineral transportation.

He doesn't recommend the provoked urine test because the high amounts they give can often mess with you and transport metals into your organs because it's not following the proper protocol.

The book also says, if you've never had amalgams, you don't even need a test. Just take ALA, and if you get any reaction (good or bad), it's a sign of mercury poisoning to some degree because it means there's something there that the ALA is binding to

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@Joel3102 Yeah, well, I am not Andy Cutler's parrot. I have my own ways.

Follow whichever you want.

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Hair tests can rule out stuff like copper poisoning, which is suppose to be similar effects to mercury poisoning. From my understanding chelating could actually cause you to collect more copper. You might find with a hair test that you just need some other minerals in general. 

Someone would not want to just take a higher dose of DMSA to provoke a pee test. Sensitivity could be very high for the person. However, you could do a pee test if you have already ramped up, but if you were mercury toxic I imagine you would know by then. 

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